XXV. The Start of the Rebellion

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282 AC - Casterly Rock, WesternLands - Seat of Power: Aerys II Targaryen


After the return from Harrenhal, Visenya met with Tywin, who had been enraged by what Aerys did. The mighty Lion resigned officially as Hand of the King and along with Visenya, Cersei and Tyrion returned to Casterly Rock.

The Dragoness did not argue with him, since with Rhaegar gone; there was not much left in the Red Keep for her. Only her dear sister, whom she did not truly wish to leave behind but Rhaella had promised to write her and eventually find a way to visit her.

For the remainder of the year and even for the full next, Visenya had found her peace in Casterly Rock. As the Lady of it, she had new power over both the lands and the loyal Lannister Soldiers.

Many of them, were former Targaryen Soldiers, who chose to serve her specifically and followed her from King's Landing. Tywin was more than pleased to accept them since all the Lannister men were paid well and had one of the best armours in the 7 Kingdoms.

Visenya seemed to be loved by both the common folk and the soldiers alike. The people at Lannisport cheered for her when she chose to revisit with Tywin and the children, just like Tywin had promised her those years ago.


For almost a full year, the Dragoness had found her true peace and was genuinely happy.

She had taken her role as Lady of Casterly Rock seriously and once again, she worked alongside Tywin. However, she took initiatives of her own and those quickly paid off.

Using her connections to other cities, especially those in the East; she arranged new deals where their ship would come to Lannisport. She made sure the city bloomed and the mines were working perfectly.

There was sudden prosperity ever since her arrival, the wealth and power of the Lannister House growing exponentially. The common folk loved her, considering her to be a good or lucky omen; many chose to gift her whenever she visited Lannisport or any other city in the WesternLands.

At the same time, she had spent her time raising Trystan with the help of Genna; who had more experience than she did. Tyrion would often join, looking at the baby that was not so little anymore.

Trystan was growing fast and Genna joked that he would become taller than his own father. There was intelligence in his green eyes, something many took notice of by how quickly he picked up things from his early lessons and the books Tyrion would read him.

As Kevan had imagined a long time ago, that child had the potential to be the most cunning and intelligent man in centuries; the world would shake beneath him once he stood up to his full potential.

The only person that was left sour, was Cersei. With Jaime gone, she had no true company and was rather bitter. She did not like Tyrion, instead she despised him and she made sure to remind him as often as possible.

Tywin was too busy handling the affairs of the Lands and actually being a decent father to Trystan; from moment to moment. Genna was the major female influence in her, the only one Cersei allowed the closest.

Visenya did try to connect with her but the teenager pushed her away each time, making it clear she did not wish to be in her presence. In her eyes, the Dragoness was a replacement for her mother that the Stranger took too early in favour of the little monster she had to call brother.

Despite that, things were going rather well for Visenya; who had just learnt to be comfortable in her new position and in her new home.

However, it all started to go downhill as she received multiple letters about what was going on.

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