III. A Dragon can Thrive Anywhere

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271 AC - King's Landing, Crownlands - Seat of Power: Aerys II Targaryen


It had been 3 years since Princess Visenya had been sent to Dragonstone by order of her brother and King; Aerys II. In those 4 years, no one was truly aware of what was going on out there but the King did not pressure anyone into finding another.

Without her presence, his insecurities and conspiracies eased in his mind; although he remained careful of his good Hand. His influence was growing, his presence in serious matters being almost a compulsive thing and he had started to despise that.

Tywin, on the other hand, had simply grown tired of cleaning up after the King but continued his duties. Often he excused himself and stayed at Casterly Rock for a while to spend some time with his wife and his children.

It eased his mind and allowed him a much-needed break from the chaos taking place thanks to King Aerys, who had yet to close his 30th name day. Tywin often wondered if he would even reach that age by the way he used the realm for his selfish pleasures.

At first, his ideas had been the reasons behind some great buildings and architectural miracles but those never fed the hungry people of King's Landing nor the thousands of soldiers under his banners. That was all up to Tywin to fix, which naturally earned respect from the people around them; whether be soldiers or commoners.

His mind sometimes did wonder to Visenya, having heard faintly of big things taking place in Dragonstone but no details were ever spared. Whenever he glanced at the board of Cyvasse in his room as Hand; he questioned whether she had been as successful as she had confidently promised to be.

His answers came one day during a council meeting with the King. A raven had been sent to the Targaryen man himself, informing him of the latest news of his Kingdom. Once he read it, his jaw clenched and his eyes scanned the room around him in uncertainty.

It was after the letter had been passed around to the rest of his members and Tywin himself, did the Lion managed to understand what had bothered him. The golden flecks in his green eyes shone like true gold, his lips barely moving an inch towards a smirk.

The Letter was from a powerful family in Essos, who had congratulated Visenya and had accepted the offer to trade with the King himself. A similar letter arrived a few minutes later, this from the Princess herself.

Apparently, the little Dragoness was not so little anymore. She took the freedom given to her in Dragonstone to hatch her plan and spread her influence like a dragon spreading its wings before flight.

Her lessons with Tywin and her own experience proved to be the key, for she managed to ease tensions in the Step-Stones and earn the loyalty of the men there. In addition, she started an important trade route and agreement with Essos; something that had never taken place before.

It was clear that she had been busy, plotting and talking to earn the favours of the men and women there. Needless to say, she had succeeded, strengthening the power of the crown and offering a new income for the royal coffers.

"Those are great news, Your Grace. You must be pleased with Princess Visenya, she has outdone herself" one council member said, earning a sharp look from his king that made him regret his words.

Yet, something flashed into the King's violet eyes and a smirk formed on his thin lips. "But why, of course, it was my plan after all," he said, making his Hand to lift a single eyebrow. "I had formed the letter and instructed my dear sister on what she should do. I am pleased, indeed, to see my plan so well executed and as expected; successful"

The Lords around him gawked at him, some truly believing his words and others having doubts. However, none voiced anything else and instead congratulated the king; for they wished not to lose their heads by his valyrian sword.

Only Tywin remained silent and glared at the king, his jaw tense in anger and so was his fist. He was surprised that the King took all the credit, considering he was barely aware of his sister's whereabouts most of the time.

Visenya had indeed outdone herself and had secured something great for the Kingdom, something opposite of what her brother had been doing for most of his years as King. Yet, her plans and attempts were ignored for the favour of the spoilt boy under the golden crown.

Aerys continued enjoying the compliments, not caring about the credit he took from his sister. Lies whether be what he said, as the King he could make them true without lifting a finger and that was what he did.

For by the time the sun rose the following day, word had spread of the King's great plan to use his sister and ensure trade with Essos and the Stepstones. Visenya was barely mentioned, all the praise going to her brother instead.

Only Tywin knew the truth and got a new glimpse of the king's thoughts. It gave him an even clearer image of what kind of ruler he was serving but his thoughts remained just that; thoughts. Not once did he voice them out loud but he did go as far as to write a single raven to the Targaryen Princess; informing her of what had taken place in her absence.

She at least deserved to know what it would await her once she chose to return and the results of her actions that had been credited to someone else. If the girl was smart, she would already have suspected that or not expect a return full of cheers and smiles.

Yet, he chose to send that Raven and see what would come next. As he pressed the seal of the Lannister lion against the red melted wax, he could not help but allow his lips to form the rare smirk he once had.

Well played, Visenya, he thought in his mind as he removed his ring and waited for the wax to dry.

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