XXXV. The Royal Family Visits Winterfell

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[A/N] - Another chapter is a chance to get to know the latest character in the series. For those that wanted option 2, worry not because Visenya and Tywin will make cameos soon and then once again become the main people the story will revolve around.

Those few chapters are mostly to show the Lannisters with their latest sibling and give a better insight into their thoughts, now that their father has the perfect heir he always wanted. Plus, Trystan's presence in Winterfell and other places is important and soon you will find out why. (There were 2 main reasons why Visenya let him become a squire under Jaime. Can you guess them before the chapters show them?

P.S. I do not have a stable updating schedule. I do have chapters ready and try to write as many as I can, now that I am motivated and have some time. Therefore, a chapter might come every few days or maybe in less time. I do have the timeline set, all the way to the ending and just need the time to write it down and plan it properly for the flow of the story to be smooth and continuous.


The Stark Family had all worn their best and had formed a line outside, ready to welcome their guests. Standing in line by age, they stood out against one another based on which parent they had taken more from.

The eldest daughter, Sansa, for example; looked more like her mother in terms of colours and even genes. The rest of her siblings did share the auburn Tully hair and bright eyes but had taken little more from their father's features. Only the bastard, Jon and the youngest daughter, Arya; seemed to be clear representatives of Northern Blood.

When the Royal Family finally arrived, everyone's attention went to those, who entered first on horseback. The first was the famous Robert Baratheon, who had grown fat over the years and resembled nothing like the man from Ned's stories.

Then, the attention went to his firstborn; Joffrey. Sansa had heard stories of the beauty of the prince, having discussed it recently with the other girls she kept as company. Only a year younger, he did look very handsome with his golden hair and red long furs hanging by his shoulders; especially to Sana.

Right behind him was the terrifying and deformed Hound; Ser Sandor Clegane. He rode close to the prince, his helmet shaped like the head of a dog that made him stand out against the rest soldiers with the recognisable Lannister or Baratheon styles.

Everyone in the courtyard, from the Starks to the servants bent the once King Robert stopped his horse not so far away, the soldiers having moved in a half circle to be the protectors of both him and the rest of the family.

The oversized man climbed off his horse and marched towards the head of the Stark Family, before moving some of his leathered gloved fingers and motioning for him and everyone else to stand up.

Robert sized him up and down in silence for a moment. "You have got fat," he said eventually, earning a silent cough from Trystan; who fixed his grip on the horse reins to keep himself composed and lowered his head to hide his amused expression behind his Lannister Helmet.

Eventually, the two men laughed and hugged one another like long-forgotten friends. Then, Robert continued to informally greet every single Stark member, earning the most awkward of glances.

At least it is not the only father that suffers from it, Trystan thought, recalling how often Robert had friendly slapped Tywin on the back; earning a silent glare from the Old Lion.

As the scene continued, one of the Kingsguards removed his helmet, showing straight golden locks of hair and a charming older face with bright green eyes.

"That's Jaime Lannister, Queen Cersei's twin" the youngest daughter of the Starks, Arya, whispered to her sister, rather loudly.

Trystan heard and looked in their direction, green eyes glowing with amusement beneath his helm. "Looks like you got fans here as well, brother" he joked, earning a small quick elbow jab from Jaime.

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