CLIX. Let Them Know

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Winterfell, The North – 1 Day after Visenya's Trial


After Visenya was given her sentence, things seemed to calm down in the winter castle that was the home of the Stark wolves. It allowed our heroes to breathe a little bit easier and enjoy their last days there.

Now that she was stronger, Visenya was up and walking; unable to remain in bed any longer. Of course, she went nowhere without an escort and most of the time the escort was none other than her husband.

This time, they chose to just walk on top of the walls and observe how the land around them was slowly recovering from the long winter. Snow had stopped falling and slowly, the temperatures were rising; soon enough the snow would melt as well.

It was a sign that good days were ahead of everyone, a sign that their time on those lands was not over yet.

Visenya had chosen to wear one of her dresses this time, one made with thick wool and a furred cape. Of course, it was in the same bloody red shade almost all of her dresses were with the Lannister Lion on them.

The sleeves were long and were covering her bandaged arm but it still remained in a sling across her chest. The arm had been troublesome, often aching and preventing her from doing a lot of things but milk of poppy had helped a lot.

She knew it would take time to heal and that it would never be the same again but she was okay with it. She could still write, ride and hold things. She most likely would never be able to hold a bow again but she could still wield a sword or a dagger with her left hand.

Jaime had joked how now both had a bad right arm and a good left arm to fight; although he also added that her left was far better than his when it came to sword fighting. His joke had amused her and had helped with the situation.

What had remained her main trouble was her vision. She was getting accustomed to it but the feeling of the eye patch on her skin was not one she would get used to anytime soon. The scars on her face were itchy and they had a long time ahead of them before they would fade and be less noticeable.

Visenya was never one to care much about beauty or her appearance but even she felt odd seeing how damaged her face was. She had, of course, kept quiet about it and tried to remind herself to carry those scars with pride; just as she carried all the others she had.

No one had said anything about it nor commented, but she could see how some were staring a little too intensely; especially when she did not have the eye patch on. She tried her best to ignore them but sometimes, she could not help and wonder what they were thinking when their eyes fell on her damaged face.

Eventually, the Dragoness came to a halt and chose to look beyond the wall; to the soldiers and the tents spreading across the winter lands. The numbers had been greatly reduced, all sides suffering heavy losses but there were still men left alive.

She could see them mingling with one another, shaking hands and acting like friends even though their houses were enemies not so long ago. It pleased her to see it and could not help but wonder if this would last, and better, more peaceful days were expecting the Kingdoms.

"What is in your mind?" she heard Tywin ask as he stood by her side.

"Hmm?" she exclaimed, having not been paying much attention to him since her mind and thoughts were clearly elsewhere.

He did not seem to mind. "You have that look on your face when you overthink" he pointed out, making her chuckle silently in amusement.

"Do I now?" she questioned back, turning her body to fully face him. "A lot of things are in my mind. Mostly, how things will be once we all return to King's Landing" she confessed, her voice sweet and her tone honest.

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