LIX. Mingling with the Crowd

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The event took quite a while since a lot of lands had to be distributed or given and even more men had to be knighted for their bravery during the battle. In the end, the crowd was free to go and all the nobles would gather at the back gardens to enjoy some fresh fruits, snacks and wine in honour of the new alliances, the saviour of the city and the victory over Stannis.

Visenya had met with Tywin the moment she left the throne room with Trystan, her eyes falling on her husband's form. He wore one of his signature black high-collared jackets that were decorated with golden outlines of lions, with a red sash diagonally across his chest. He had the brooch already on his jacket and he was dressed to perfection, his clothing matching hers just right. He offered her his elbow and she took it before the two of them joined the others in the garden.

Winter had yet to come and that day, surprisingly had been rather favourable. The sun above King's Landing was still warm, the day still young and the weather was good enough for them to host the celebrations.

Many court ladies and paramount Lords approached them, mostly to congratulate Tywin for his job at saving the city and being the new Hand of the King. Visenya remained by his side, offering a small smile and just being there.

It was his time and his glory, for that she did not interfere and did not draw any attention to herself. She did, however, keep an eye on him and when she realized some Lord was trying to get on his good side by trying too hard; she would find ways to excuse themselves and leave.

She had his back and he had his like two sharks swimming in a sea filled with eels, which would easily try to bite them when their backs would be turned. They were the top predators, they were the ones with the power but the others were the crowd and the numerical advantage.

Halfway through the reception and after getting themselves some fresh water, Visenya noticed Ser Loras talking to some ladies; charming them with his good looks. Their eyes met and she excused herself from Tywin before walking his way.

She felt his eyes on her back, observing each elegant confident step she took while the back of his mind was filled with suspicions, curiosity and the smallest of jealousy. His staring, though, did not remain for long as yet another Lord approached him; forcing him to focus on them mostly but always aware of where his wife was.

Loras excused himself from the ladies and met the Dragoness halfway through. She offered him a small greeting smile. "Ser Loras, allow me to congratulate you for your knighthood," she said since he was one of the many brave men to receive the honourable title of a knight.

He bowed his head just a tad. "Thank you, my Lady. I believe I should also express my congratulations on your very persuasive Renly impression"

"I tried my hardest, ser. I would also like to inform you that the armour has been cleaned and delivered to your chambers, as promised" she informed him, earning a small expression of surprise from him.

Then, he gave a more formal head bow. "Thank you, My Lady" he expressed, gratitude evident in his eyes.

"It was only right, Ser Loras. We are to be family soon"

The corners of his lips lifted to a small smirk. "Indeed we are"

His father, Lord Mace and Lord Mathis started to approach them. Loras saw it as a sign to leave but it was clear he took a small liking to the Dragoness and could see a potential ally in her; an ally both for him and mostly his sister.

His grandmother had warned him to be careful around her but he did not see any reason to do so. Her Lord Husband, sure, for he was the biggest and most dangerous fish in the ocean but her? He could not truly see it.

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