IV. The Return of the Dragon Princess

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272 AC - King's Landing, Crownlands - Seat of Power: Aerys II Targaryen


It has been 10 years since Aerys II had risen to power and the realm was not going to forget about it anytime soon. To celebrate such an important event, Tywin had planned an Anniversary Tourney in the name of the King.

The celebrations were grand, with different competitions taking place such as Archery, Spear Throwing and the Jousting Tourney of Knights. Hedge Knights and Lords from all corners of the Western World had arrived to participate and show their loyalty to the King.

Yet, it was Tywin who seemed to gain the favouritism of the people. They cheered for him louder than they did for their King as rumours kept spreading of who truly had the power between the two.

While Aerys had been selfish with his needs and too close-minded to rule properly, Tywin had earned the respect of Lords and peasants alike for his smart thinking and his ability to bring back gold on multiple occasions; ensuring the coffers were never empty.

The King sat on the Royal booth with his wife and his remaining family members. Visenya had also been invited but a Raven had been sent the day prior, informing the King that she had fallen Ill and was unable to travel. This left Tywin to be alone amongst the Targaryen, if not for his dear wife, who had also come along with the 6-year-old Twins; Cersei & Jamie. The King often stole glances at Joanna Lannister, known by now that the Targaryen male had a liking for pretty women and often took mistresses in his chambers.

Tywin had noticed and had tried his best to keep his body as a barrier, obstructing most of the King's view of his wife. It did not settle well with him but his focus shifted fully once the Jousting Tournament began.

Among the knights participating, there were two that stood out the most; The Lannister Lion and the Targaryen Dragon. Kevan Lannister, younger brother of Tywin, had chosen to participate in the Tournament and so did Crown Prince Rhaegar, despite being only 14 namedays old.

Aerys did not mind that his son participated, having full hopes that he would take down all of his opponents and show everyone the might of the Targaryen and the strong genes passed down to him by his father; the King.

Tywin glanced at the participants, his eyes momentarily falling to his brother but then his eyes fell on the Crown Prince. Dressed in full black armour, the helmet obstructed almost the full face and only allowed the eyes to be visible through the slit. The pattern of Dragon was carved on it and Dark Sister was sheathed by the side.

What struck him odd, however, was the size of the crown prince. Some might say was the fact that he was on top of a horse but Tywin would share the Prince was not that tall; not yet at least.

He did not comment anything on it and instead watched in silence as the Jousting began.

The crowd went wild as the Crown Prince managed to unseat yet another opponent, this time being Tywin's brother. Joanna could not help but pull a face faintly at the rough landing of her good brother and cousin. By her side, Jaime was practically beaming with excitement as he leaned on the wooden railing and watched the knights with fascination. His sister, on the other hand, did not seem to share his interest and instead looked around her bored.

Many found it impressive that the boy who had just reached his 14th name day had managed to do so well in the Tournament. Yet again, he had been unseated a couple of times but had always managed to recover or finish the battle with swords on the ground.

In the end, only two were left standing before the victor would be crowned and those were Rhaegar and a mysterious Hedge Knight. Bearing no sigil, the mystery man had come and had taken down all of his opponents to reach standing across from the Crown Prince.

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