CXLVIII. Pre-Battle Speech

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Jaime and Trystan were exchanging some brotherly words, motivating one another to do well in their assigned posts and of course; survive this upcoming battle. It was odd, for both of them to fight so far away from one another; although ironically they had never fought together either.

A part of them would have preferred if they were to stay together, to fight side by side and have each other's back; but they knew the plan was far bigger than their selfish needs.

"Will you be alright, little brother?" Jaime asked, placing his hand on his shoulder.

Trystan smirked, keeping his chin up in pride. "More than alright. I have a similar version of yours to have my back"

His words amused him. "Loras is far from being like me"

"With his cockiness, he is actually quite close to also being a show pony" the younger Lion commented, chuckling along with his brother.

Jaime pulled him for a brotherly one-armed hug, one that Trystan did not hesitate to return.

"But truly, keep yourself safe," the older Lion said as the two of them pulled away.

"You better do the same" They shook their hands in a more brotherly manner, just as their last brother made their way towards them.

"I see you two are already exchanging sweet words without me" Tyrion commented as he approached them.

The oldest of the three smirked. "We waited for you but you were late" he joked, making his brother roll his eyes but not hide his amusement.

"Forgive me. Some of us are busy with other matters than wearing armour" he replied sarcastically.

Trystan smiled, seeing the familiar dagger by his waist. "I knew she would eventually give you one," he said, his golden-flecked eyes locked on the valyrian blade.

Jaime also took notice as Tyrion placed his small hand on it. Surprisingly, the dagger felt rather comfortable in his hands. It was not heavy like any other weapon but equally deadly, if not more, considering the rare blade it was made of.

"It's like you said...she doesn't hate me and I would like to think that this is her way, of telling me that she wants to see me alive" Tyrion commented.

"Told you she wouldn't. She cares for you..." Trystan looked from one brother to the other. "...for all of us..."

A small smile was exchanged between the three of them, all nodding their heads in agreement. Visenya had truly changed their lives and had been a rather good part of it; even though sometimes she might not always act the way they wanted her.

She had been the mother the two older Lions had lost and she made sure to try and raise them as best as she could, giving them all the provisions and skills to survive in this world. Perhaps that was the reason why all three of them were still standing at that moment, all present and alive.

Just then, the sound of armoured steps in sync was heard and all three turned to look at the source of it.

Visenya walked side by side with Tywin, while Kevan was just a step behind them.

They were all dressed in their armour, with Visenya's standing out due to its dark colours. Yet the emblems of lions on it were an indication of her rank in the army, only second in command after Tywin; ranking even higher than Kevan.

If one would look carefully, they would spot the rather abstract designs of dragons mixed with the Lions; a passive small hint that she proudly carried her family's sigil with her all this time.

The three of them looked rather formidable, rather powerful and commanding as they walked with slow confident steps. Every Lannister soldier that happened to be on their way, moved to the side and bowed deeply or even knelt to the Lion and the Dragoness as they passed by.

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