LXVIII. The Game between the Lion, the Dragon & the Rose

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[A/N] - Merry Christams Everyone! Two new chapters just for you! Enjoy and thank you all for your votes and comments!


Tywin & Visenya's Chambers, Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands – Later that Night


After the Small Council Meeting, Visenya had left Tywin to handle a few last things and chose to return to their private chambers. Choosing not to change from her dress, she instead picked up one book written in High Valyrian and got herself comfortable in one of the armchairs.

She was busy reading in peace, the old language offering some comfort to her. She had been taught like all of her siblings but she had proved to be the only one truly learning it. Her siblings eventually could speak it in a way or get rid of their heavy accent.

Visenya, on the other hand, seemed quite natural to it. She was able to read, speak and even write in the Old language known as High Valyrian. Her trips to the East allowed her to hear Low Valyrian as well although their complexity and being made by several different dialects proved troublesome in the beginning.

Halfway through her reading, the door to their room was pushed open and then closed; before the bolt was put in place. Tywin stole her a glance, not surprised to find her reading. Since she was young she had shown to him that she did read a lot but unlike other kids reading stories, she focused on history, combat, tactics and so on.

He walked into the room, removed his jacket as usual and filled himself with a goblet of wine. Then, he moved to sit in his armchair and simply stared at the fireplace while taking a sip of his wine.

His wife closed her book, having already memorized the page she was in and placed it on the small table. She crossed one leg over the other and leaned more back, showing a more relaxed but still graceful nature.

"Do you want to start or shall I?" she asked him, head turned faintly to be able to look at him.

"There is nothing for me to say. Your decision to make Tyrion Master of Coin was good and can be worked around" he said and swirled the wine in his goblet, looking at it before his green eyes focused on her. "You are aware enough of what I dealt with today. You, on the other hand, had been pretty busy"

She scoffed faintly in amusement. "I wouldn't say I have been that busy but I did have an interesting day" she said, slightly moving her hanging leg from the ankle and below. "Olenna knows of Joffrey's...nature and the Old Thorn is not happy about it"

"She plans to do something?" he questioned.

Her reply was a simple shake of her head. "I don't know but she might shortly. She requested my help, trying to use the fact that I am a mother myself to justify her thoughts and possible future actions" he changed his posture, his body turned slightly more as his attention was fully on her now. "I didn't answer her. If I had accepted immediately, it would raise suspicions and if I refused; she might never trust me again. I asked for time, which she understood. I won't make any moves yet until I have gathered more clues of what she has in mind about Joffrey and Margaery"

Tywin seemed pleased with her answer and her way of thinking, expecting nothing else from the woman he had chosen to be his wife. It was that specific reason why he trusted her to deal with the court and other noble ladies because she was simply that good in seeing through their lies and earning their 'friendship' as women would call it.

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