XLIX. Brave Like A Lion

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[A/N] - Some more of Sansa & Trystan, hope you guys enjoy it.

I know it is a little awkward between them (perhaps because I am not used to writing such an innocent and green-flagged romance). Still, I also think it is because of who Trystan is and most specifically how both his and Sansa's characters are (in the early show at least).
However, I do like to think that things will improve between them and this formal awkwardness will leave. Those of you who do not like this ship or are not interested can skip to the next chapter where we have Tywin, Visenya & Arya.


King's Landing - CrownLands.

When the day started, Sansa never expected it would end up turning into a nightmare. All was well at first and she had been escorted to the pier along with the rest of the royal family, her ladies and plenty of guards.

For a moment, Sansa dreamt of getting on a ship and just sailing back home, although she knew it would not be possible. Instead, she remained quiet and watched as Princess Myrcella was on a small boat and was heading for a huge ship; that would take her to Dorne to meet her future husband.

This marriage would offer an alliance between the Crown and Dorne, ensuring help and provisions during this tough war.

After the girl was away, they all had to walk back to the Red Keep. The crowd had been formed around them, creating a small path for them to pass while they were held at bay by guards.

Many shouted and worshipped the King, although mockery was easy to distinguish. Of course, there were plenty that begged, starving and suffering due to the bad economy and the war that was taking place for almost 1 year.

Yet, no one dared to make a move until a horse dung was thrown at Joffrey's cheek. The boy king started to shout back, ordering executions here and there. This caused the people to rally up and all hell broke loose.

Sansa barely registered what happened for all she could think of was getting herself to safety. The guards moved to protect the royal family and some tried to protect her, only to fall victim to the people that started to bite and eat the flesh raw.

Like possessed animals, they attacked, shouted, pushed and harmed anyone in their way. Eventually, Sansa lost her two ladies and she was not even sure if they were alive or dead.

A few people blocked her way, preventing her from joining the rest of the Royals in the Red Keep. Forced to flee, the terrified Dire Wolf lifted her dress even higher and kept running.

She eventually moved into some sort of tunnel, leading her through some stables or cellar; she could not say; more focused on seeing the light of the following day. Suddenly, someone grabbed her ankle and she fell on the straw-covered cobble floor.

She tried to fight and crawl away but more hands grabbed her hands, while others ripped the back of her dress. She was eventually flipped and she could see the hungry and lustful eyes of men that were about to rape her.

She begged, cried, shouted and kicked but they were stronger than her. For a moment, she truly thought she would lose her maidenhood to those men when a sword stabbed the man that was about to rape her through the chest.

In seconds, the sword had been pulled back and the now dead man was thrown to one of the remaining men. A second one tried to attack her saviour, only to receive a strong punch that broke his nose and knocked him out.

Sansa watched with tears in her eyes as Trystan sliced the neck of a third man, blood spluttering across his face and armour. There was a nasty gash on his upper arm where someone had torn away the protective place and had ripped the red fabric; exposing his skin.

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