XXX. The Consequences of One's Actions

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Visenya lost count of the days she was held as a prisoner, barely having any contact with the world outside. She was held in ropes and whenever they camped, she would be tied to a pole in a tent and be guarded at all times.

Food was given to her, often cold and stale but she ate it nonetheless. Her wounds from the swords were superficial and started to heal on their own, and she also took care of them as much as she could. She would use a part of the drinkable water given to her to keep the wounds clean and she was lucky enough to find a few plants she had studied while younger, whose leaves she chewed and used as a healing paste.

In the end, those wounds would forever mark her skin in terms of scars but it was the blow to her stomach that would change her life. Unknown at that time, she only felt mild disturbance the first few days; the ache intensifying whenever she walked or even breathed.

Eventually, it seemed to subside enough for her to breathe normally although the constant walk she had to do behind a horse had not helped in the healing process.

She remained standing and strong, refusing to fall down or show any sign of weakness; her pride was too strong to let her. Her thoughts often drifted to Tywin and her son, Trystan; who were safe in Casterly Rock.

She was not going to let the boy or any of the other kids grow up without a mother and she was willing to try anything if it meant her survival. For now, though, she remained silent and followed them as they were making their way back to King's Landing.

Whenever they would stop, she would quietly look in the distance as she silently grieved the loss of her nephew. More than once, she thought back to happier memories she had with him; fully aware that it was the only thing left of him.


A young Visenya tiptoed and tried to look over the crib at the sleeping baby, her sister resting on the bed after a hard birth; her undeveloped body having taken a brutal hit by it.

"He looks like you. He looks feminine" Visenya pointed out, looking down at the sleeping baby with the white patch of hair on top of its tiny head.

"You think so?" Rhaella asked in a weak voice but was always happy to see her sister admiring her nephew.

"He will become a man with feminine features, I am telling you and no; I did not dream it," the 9-year-old said, eyes never leaving the baby. "Don't worry, sister, I will look after him if anyone dares to mess with him"


Visenya had her first flowering night just a day ago but despite the faint pain coming from her body, she had still showed up for training with Ser Barristan. The older, freshly appointed knight, did not know of her condition but was always careful whenever they spared.

Their little moment of practice was interrupted by noticing someone approaching them at the training grounds. A 5 year old Rhaegar, was slowly walking their way with his head held high.

His two hands were dragging a rather big wooden sword, its weight and angle leaving behind a line trail on the ground beneath. "I am here to also train with Auntie," the boy said, using all of his force to keep pulling the training sword.

Ser Barristan simply blinked at the sight while Visenya hid her smirk with the back of her hand. They both stood still as the boy approached them, having picked up a random sword that was too big and heavy for him.

"Young Prince, you are too young to train with a sword" Ser Barristan said, offering his hand to take the sword from him.

Rhaegar, stubbornly, did not let him. "I am old enough to try" he argued back, puffing his little chest out.

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