XX. The Aftermath of Duskendale

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278 AC - King's Landing, CrownLands - Seat of Power: Aerys II Targaryen


It has been almost 7 months since the Fires of Duskendale and the safe return of King Aerys. Peace had returned to the realm, and many were now more aware than ever of the destructive power hiding behind the Crown.

Yet, peace did not seem to fully return in the Red Keep. Ever since his return, Aerys had changed and it was starting to become more noticeable. At first, he did not want anyone to touch him, resulting in his nails and hair growing longer while the time between baths was also increased.

Then, he would stay inside his chambers for hours on end and only walk around the Red Keep with the full presence of his King's Guard. Similarly, he refused to see Tywin or even Visenya without all 7 of his loyal Guards surrounding him.

There was this mistrust in his violet eyes, only replaced by sadistic anger whenever he burnt a traitor or someone guilty of a crime. Even his relationship with his son, Rhaegar, had started to become more and more distant.

The boy had just closed his 19th name-day and felt the sudden change in his father's character more than ever. Even Viserys, who had barely reached his 2nd name day seemed to suffer at the behaviour change of his father.

On a usual good day in King's landing; Rhaegar was taking a stroll in the gardens of the Red Keep with his aunt. Visenya had her arm around his elbow and the two of them were walking slowly, enjoying the good weather while discussing some more personal things.

"What do you think is going on with Father?" Rhaegar asked his steps in sync with hers.

Visenya let a silent quick sigh as she kept looking forward. "Your father passed away a lot while in Duskendale. Sometimes such things tend to affect her, especially if they have been harmful enough. He just needs time to adjust back to normal" she explained.

Although, her words were not reassuring enough and she knew it. She had seen how her older brother was slowly changing, becoming worse than he once was. Such behaviour was not temporary and she knew it. Sooner or later, it would only get worse but she did not feel like being honest with Rhaegar yet.

He was already trying to handle the sudden cold shoulder from his father and he was young. He had time in front of him to learn more, observe on his own and take the proper actions when the time would come.

"I still think it was wrong of him to ignore the advice of the Lorherd Hand," the young man said, earning the attention of his aunt. "I mean, if he had listened and never gone to Duskendale; none of this would have happened"

The female Targaryen nodded faintly with her head. "That is true but the past cannot be changed, Rhaegar. Every action has a reaction following it, the same goes for consequences"

"Well, when I become King I will not ignore any of his advice or yours for that matter" his words made her lift an eyebrow and turn her head to look at him as he stood a quarter head taller than her. He saw her reaction and smirked. "I mean, if Lord Lannister will accept being my Hand when I become King. I don't think there is anyone better at this job than him. Of course, Auntie, you will also be part of my small council; maybe Master of Arms"

His words amused her and she did not hide it. "Listen to you, already making plans ahead. When the time comes, Rhaegar, I will gladly be part of your small council. Although, I am afraid you will have to ask Lord Lannister himself if he would like to continue to be the Hand"

He gave her with charming toothy grin as he looked forward again. "I will ask him when it's time. I already think some people will not approve but I can see he is an experienced man. Sure, he can be a little cruel sometimes"

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