XXXVIII. The Start of the War of the Five Kings

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Lannister Camp - Somewhere in the borders between RiverLands & WesterLands


The Kingslayer had fled King's Landing after his 'battle' with Ned and had chosen to go find his family or at least the ones he hadn't seen in a while. He had heard of the news, about Lannister forces on the move and he followed that path; knowing fully that his father was not going to sit this one out after what happened to Tyrion.

When he arrived at the camp late at night, he could not say his parents were the proudest to see him; most specifically his father. After messing up their plan and injuring Ned, he knew he had fucked it up but he awaited the usual punishment; the cold shoulder from his father.

Surprisingly or not, his good-mother was not that hostile with him, although if Visenya hated one thing was having her plans ruined. So, the following day of his arrival; he did not expect to find her in his father's tent alone.

She was sitting behind his desk, eyes focused on the map spread across it while different pawns and tokens were used to mark their and the enemy's forces.

"Good-mother" he greeted from the opening of the big tent, looking down for a moment.

"Jaime, if you are looking for your father; we went to hunt. He shall be back soon" she said, her eyes not once leaving the map.

"Of course he did..." he commented, leaving silence to spread across the tent and between them. Should I apologise? At least she will forgive me, right? He thought mentally and cleared his throat, shifting the weight from one leg to the other.

"Yes, Jaime?" she asked him, clearly noticing him even though she never took her attention off the map.

Taking a deep breath, he walked inside the tent and headed her way. He had changed from his Kingsguard armour to the Lannister one. It was in the colours of black with the main chest plate being Lannister red while Lions were engraved across from it. The number of lions, designs and the lion-shaped shoulder plates were a sign of his rank in the Lannister Army; being the 4th most high-ranking Lannister.

First, of course, was Tywin, followed by Visenya and third came his uncle; Kevan. Then, he was ranked number 4 and if Trystan were ever to join; he would be right beneath him.

"About the incident with Ned Stark..." he started, standing in front of the desk.

Visenya leaned back on the chair and tilted her head just a few inches as she stared at him, both hands on the sides of the chair as if she were sitting on the Iron Throne itself. She was dressed in leather red and blackjack with a high collar, currently to hide the marks Tywin left her the night before.

"Yes?" she asked, clearly knowing what he wanted to say,

Do I have to say it? He asked her mentally with his eyes.

Yes, you do, her reply would be.

"I know I messed it up and for that, I apologise. I did not know you had a plan and I only wanted to ensure my brother's safe return" he confessed.

Jaime usually was not one to apologise, mostly he never found how. His apologies would always fall on deaf ears when it came to his father since he already was disappointed and that would not change because of some heart-felt words.

The same, though, could not truly be said for Visenya. Unlike her husband, she did expect the apology and often softened after hearing it. There was not much of a difference, since it would depend on what shit you had managed to pull. Yet, the fact that your words were taken into consideration and were believed; meant something.

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