LV. Battle of Blackwater Bay, part 1

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Tyrion's Chambers - Keep, King's Landing CrownLands - Less than an hour before Stannis' fleet arrives.


Tyrion was being helped on his specially-made-for-him armour by his latest squire, a little odd but good boy named Pordrick. At the same time, the famous Purple Spider had visited him and brought him the maps he needed with the sewer system and underground tunnels; something that he thought of after his years being responsible for the same parts in Casterly Rock.

"There must be twenty miles of tunnels beneath the city." Tyrion pointed out.

"Closer to fifty. The Targaryens built this city to withstand a siege and to provide escape if necessary" Varys informed him, having learnt of all those tunnels when he was expanding his 'little bird' network.

"I'm not escaping. Strange as it sounds, I'm the captain of the ship, and if the ship goes down, I go with her." Tyrion said with an unusual seriousness.

Yet, the eunuch did not comment on the sudden courage of the short lord. "That is good to hear. Though I'm sure many captains say the same while their ship is afloat. You look well suited for battle, my lord."

"Well, I'm not."

"For all our sakes, I hope you are wrong. My little birds tell me that Stannis Baratheon has taken up with a red priestess from Asshai."

Tyrion shrugged his shoulders. "What of it?" he asked, not truly seeing what was important about a priestess.

Varys looked at him carefully, his head tilted ever so faintly. "You don't believe in the old powers, my lord?"

"Blood spells, curses, shape-shifting. What do you think?"

"I am surprised, considering your good-mother," he said, making the Imp look at him with confusion.

"What about her?" he asked, wondering what Varys truly knew of her since he was only passing her information to her and Tywin while away in battle to assist them.

There was this amusement in the eyes of the eunuch, a small glint of pride of knowing far more than the Lion in front of him. "Odd, for someone so well-read you do not seem to know a lot about her ancestry"

As Tyrion started to understand, he could not help but roll his eyes. "You can't be possibly talking of that stupid mark, are you? Dragons are dead and there is nothing supernatural about it, as there was nothing supernatural about the Targaryens taming dragons"

"Were" he corrected him. "Daenerys Targaryen has three and I assure you, your good-mother is not as ordinary as you think" he continued but said nothing more of the subject, choosing to keep the rest of the details for himself. "I think you believe in what you see, my Lord and that is a mistake. There is far more behind the world we know. Believe me, for I have seen things and heard things, things you have not, things I wish I had not." He said, hiding any signs of dark memories and haunting moments of his younger years as he learnt of the true world and not the one many thought it was just a story. "I don't believe I've ever told you how I was cut."

"No, I don't believe you have."

"One day, I will. The dark arts have provided Lord Stannis with his armies and paved his path to our door. For a man in service to such powers to sit on the Iron Throne, I can think of nothing worse. And tonight, I believe you are the only man who can stop him."


Trystan's Chambers, Red Keep - King's Landing, CrownLands - Around the same time

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