CVI. Personal Discussions & Spreading News

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The Hand's Study, Tower of the Hand, Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands


It was around lunchtime and Tywin had his served in his study, while he was once again dealing with the latest troubles. Visenya would have hers with Olenna and Margaery, which meant she would be unavailable for a while.

This was the perfect time for him to confront Jaime and have him summoned into the Study a little bit after he had eaten. He watched as his disappointment of a son walked inside the room, dressed in the Kingsguard armour with that ridiculous white cloak around his shoulders.

"You asked to see me, Father?" he asked as he walked towards the desk.

If he knew why his Father would wish to see him after their latest talk during the Trial, he did not show it. Instead, he remained standing and simply waited for him to speak when he was ready, unfazed by the passing seconds that he was left to stand in silence.

"I did, although I do suspect you must know why I summoned you here," he said and wiped his mouth with a napkin before looking at his son, not even bothering to stand from his chair.

If he did dare to stand, he might have lashed at his son. However, he kept his composure for now and waited.

Jaime was not as stupid as many might think, already seeing where this would lead. In the end, he nodded his head, silently answering his rather rhetorical question before he also chose to say it out loud. "Tyrion"

"Good, we are on the same page so far" Tywin said, sarcasm dripping from his voice with some mockery, a sign that he was not in the best mood and one could not truly blame him after all that had happened in less than 24 hours. "You told Tyrion of the truth about that whore girl, did you not?"

The young Lion was not surprised that his Father did not even call the girl by her real name, since she never mattered to him. It was surprising, how yesterday he saw the mighty Tywin expressing love to his wife but right now; he was simply facing a ruthless house head and lord who, unfortunately, was also his Father. It was easier now, for Jaime to see why he and so many others had believed this facade wedding between the Lion and the Dragon, with feelings truly hidden from any third parties and praying eyes.

"I did but only because I thought Prince Oberyn would die during Combat" he confessed and quickly rushed to explain his reasoning. "I didn't know that-"

His words were cut short as Tywin slammed his fist on the desk, making almost every item on the desk shake from the force.

"You did not know that he would escape? You did not know that he would come after me? You did not know that your own good-mother would get shot by an arrow?" with each question, his tone became colder.

With each question, a part of his composure was slipping away. With each question, his anger flared and it was visible in the way his eyes glowed with anger; the gold within his irises only being emphasized by such strong emotion.

He glared at his son, who had managed to disappoint him once again. If he was not his firstborn, if he was not his son but some other relative; Tywin would have long sent him away.

However, because Jaime was not any of those things, a part of his pride did not let him act that impulsively; although one would wonder for how long this would remain considering how many times he had disappointed him.

Jaime did not lower his head in shame but he did drop his gaze from his father to the desk, to avoid his glaring. He did not blame him for the anger, because he had messed it up; big time.

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