XLVI. Meeting Your Idol

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[A/N] - Fun Fact! Did you guys know that in the books, Arya works at the Kitchens in Harrenhal and never meets with Tywin personally? She is a cupbearer of Roose Bolton, who is actually in Harrenhal. Tywin only comes for a while and leaves, never to meet her.

However, I liked the show idea better. There was just this nice chemistry between those two actors as a father-daughter relationship between their characters. Since Visenya is Arya's idol, thought it would be fitting for them to meet and to also see both the Lion and the Dragoness around a very intelligent girl that could easily be their daughter (if blond and green-eyed XD)


300 AC - Harrenhal Castle - RiverLands - Seat of Power: Joffrey I Baratheon


Ever since she witnessed her father's execution, Arya spent her days in disguise as Ary; the orphan boy. Following a group heading for the Wall, in the end, left her being a prisoner of the Lannisters; currently held at Harrenhal.

Due to the overflowing number of prisoners, she and the group she was travelling with were held outside. Under the cloudy sky, they slept on the mud and often suffered from the drops of rain passing above them.

Every day they would wake up and see The Mountain picking one of them to be interrogated.

The village folk did not dare to look at him, maybe hoping they would escape his attention. But there was no way to hide from him, no way to be safe. He just chose whomever he liked.

There was a girl he picked on the fourth day who had slept with a soldier three nights running, yet the soldier said nothing. There was an old man he picked on the fifth day, who had mended their clothing and declared so often that his son served in the City Watch and did all for Joffrey that the other prisoners had actually started calling him All-for-Joffrey.

They call the ordinarily looking man who did the questioning the Tickler. He was assisted by Chiswyck, or by someone else, with Clegane just watching and listening until the prisoners died, which they invariably did.

The torture was a horrible one where they trapped a rat between a prisoner's stomach and a bucket. Then, with the flames of a torch, they would heat one side of the bucket, causing the rat to try and escape. The only way to do so? The rat would tear apart the flesh of the man, biting on the skin and organs in an attempt to make a tunnel through his body.

Why did they do that? For answers of course, although Arya never truly understood the reasons behind such questions.

The questions were always about valuables or food hidden in the village, about the whereabouts of Beric Dondarrion and the size of his band and about who of the villagers had assisted them. They found a few valuables from the interrogations but only got wildly inconsistent information about Dondarrion and his men. Yet, that one day things started the same but eventually took a surprising turn.

It all started when the famous Mountain appeared, once again ready to pick random prisoners and let the Tickler torture them for information. This time, her friend Gendry was chosen with one more prisoner.

He was strapped to the chair, a rope around his neck, hands and feet to keep him there as the Tickler grabbed a rat. After that, he placed the rat in the bucket and trapped it on the boy's body, before repeating the same questions that Arya had memorized by now.

She watched in silence, her eyes eventually drifting to a Lannister soldier, who was put on guard and was also the man, who had taken Needle from her. She was tempted to get it somehow and kill every one of them before escaping.

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