CLIV. Costly Victory, part 1

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Once again the wind and the weather were against them, one more enemy they had to deal with but both were doing their best to stay out of harm's way.

All Visenya needed, was the right angle and opportunity; to put her plan into action.

However, Viserion seemed to either suspect or she was simply that unlucky because that opportunity did not seem willing to come.

That was, until Rhaegal acted fully on his own; as if he could sense his rider's worry and desperate need to take down his undead brother.

He flapped his wings and headed into a straight line, making himself quite an open target since they had been flying in zigzag motions all this time, to ensure Viserion would have a hard time catching them.

"Rhaegal!" she called his name above the strong winter winds.

Before she could give any command to make him fly like before, the green-scaled dragon seemed to bend and twist its neck sideways until his amber eye connected with hers.

The pure look he gave her, silenced her immediately.

Something seemed to click in the back of her mind, some subconscious understanding just randomly existing.

She was unsure how this happened, what it was or what caused it but she suddenly seemed to understand what her dragon had in mind.

In the end, she pressed her lips until they formed a thin line and nodded her head. "Okay, I trust you. Let's do this"

Rhaegal did not make any sound and instead flapped his wings to get a little more altitude.

Visenya held on tightly and got herself ready, fully trusting the instincts of her dragon.


It was not long before dragon and rider flew in sync, too close to the grey clouds but did not fly over them. Viserion was flying somewhere around them, waiting for the perfect opportunity to get them.

They could not see him but they knew he was there, waiting for the perfect opportunity.

Time seemed to slow down, the wind and her own heartbeat were the only things Visenya seemed to hear as her unique eyes scanned left and right; trying to see around her for any signs that Viserion was about to attack.

She had lost all sense of direction in the blizzard, being unaware of how close or far she was from Winterfell. She did not know where the ground truly was and in which direction.

Then out of nowhere, she caught a glimpse of a shadow between the hazy and blurry environment around her.

Viserion came from their right but somehow, Rhaegal seemed to have sensed it. Pulling a risky manoeuvre, the green Dragon twisted his body sideways and brought his back claws forward.

The undead dragon fell full force against them, claws digging into its brother but also receiving deep wounds in return.

Both beasts roared as they started to flap their wings, twisting in an elegant but also spinning dance as both tried to pull the other down. Jaws snapped against one another as their claws dug deep into each other's flesh.

Viserion kept roaring and eventually chose to use his other two limbs. His wings moved around Rhaegal or at least tried the claws at the front living deep gashes and threatening to take Visenya down with them.

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