CVII. Sweet Apology & Sword Naming

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Chambers of Tywin & Visenya, Tower of the Hand, Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands – 1 week since Tyrion's escape


It has been almost a week since the incident with Tyrion and his disappearance with Varys. Still, they have been no news of them ever since. They had not been found and no one seemed to have seen them.

Visenya was recovering rather quickly, aided by Qyburn's extensive knowledge in treating wounds and even that special salve Oberyn had given her; much to Tywin's dismay.

After a week of the incident, the Maester or better say, Grand Maester Qyburn had come to check on her once again. She sat on her bed, the privacy of closed doors allowed only the two of them to be present while a guard kept standing outside, in case anything would happen.

Visenya had been wearing breeches that day and a tunic, since lifting a full dress and exposing more than necessary was not something she was in the mood for. She remained silent as he inspected the injury, now that the bandage was gone.

"I must admit, my Lady that you heal faster than I expected" he pointed out and then started to wrap her torso and cover her wound again. "I can see you are on a good way for a full recovery. I do not even think any future troubles will arise if you take it easy for a while"

"You can rest assured, I will," she said, pleased to hear that things were going well.

She was not that surprised with her recovery, since she had observed before that she was rather quick to heal; although she never healed that fast.

As Qyburn finished wrapping the bandages, he pointed out something else. "Your temperature seems unusually high, my lady," he said as she dropped her tunic. "Have you perhaps developed some fever?"

He went to touch her but she grabbed his wrist, stopping him from touching any more than it was unnecessary. "I do not. My temperature is normally like that and my healing is rather fast as well" she informed him and let go of his wrist.

Qyburn rubbed his wrist and inspected, having not failed to sense how much warmer her palm was; as if there was some fire source hidden within it. His wrist had faint red marks as if a flame had been brought close and irritated the skin but no clear finger marks, since she did not use a lot of strength.

"Curious, very curious my lady" he said, clearly interested in the subject. "I must admit, I never had the chance to heal, let alone observe a Targaryen before. Though I have read a few things about your family"

She arched an eyebrow, now it was her turn to be curious. "What things?" she asked but before the Grand Maester could speak, there was a knock on the door.

Jaime opened it and took a step inside, eyeing the two of them and mostly Qyburn with some suspicion. As if understanding the message, the odd man grabbed his things and left the room; leaving only her and her stepson to remain inside.

"Are you alright, good-mother?" Jaime asked, walking her way.

"I am recovering and unshaken. Although Qyburn can be a little bit..."

"Creepy?" he finished for her, a smile of amusement playing on her lips.

"Among other things," she said and watched him as he stopped next to her but did not dare to sit down.

"Good-mother...I..." he took a deep breath. "I am sorry for not coming to you any sooner and for what happened with Tyrion," he said, taking her oddly warm hand in his.

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