XCVII. The Trial of Tyrion Lannister, part 1

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The Iron Throne Room, Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands - Afternoon


The time for the trial had finally arrived and the throne room was filled with people. Stands and chairs had been placed at each side of the red carpet that crossed the room and led to the throne.

Everyone was present for the trial and each had their respective places. Two chairs had been placed at each side of the Iron Throne for the judges and even a wooden podium with chains was placed at the base of the Throne Steps for the accused to stay while the trial was taking place.

Margaery, Loras and Olenna had been given chairs to sit at the right side of the throne but after the height of the stairs and closer to the crowd.

Cersei, Trystan and Visenya had their own chairs closer to the throne, also on the right side. They had a better view of the room, all dressed in their finest but each bearing a different expression on their faces.

The lioness was uneasy, clearly wishing for the trial to end and hear Tyrion sentenced to death. She was still furious by the fact that her son was murdered by her brother, even though many told her it was not him who did it. She refused to believe them because deep down she knew it was him.

Trystan was trying his best to remain still on his chair, hands placed on his lap and he mostly looked forward at nothing. He knew this was the big day he dreaded and wished to never come but now had to sit through. He had prayed in his mind that Tyrion would be found innocent one way or another by the end of the trial.

Visenya had the usual passive face she carried when in court, even her eyes somehow covering her thoughts on the subject. She kept sitting with her back straight and her chin high, not even turning to look at Olenna; who would occasionally steal glances her way.

Tommen was sitting on the Iron Throne with Tywin by his right while Lord Mace and Oberyn were waiting by the sides.

Eventually, the grand doors of the Throne Room opened and Jaime with Tyrion entered. The dwarf walked down the aisle through the crowd, flanked by two guards.

As he passed between the people, many called him a Kingslayer but the proud short Lion refused to bow his head or let their words affect him. He had survived threats, insults and bad jokes about his condition all his life.

People were fools if they thought he would bend under their words or even be affected by them. He was not going to give the satisfaction to anyone, not them, not his family...no one.

He was left to the accused dais and his wrists were finally freed from the chains he had been wearing all those days. Now trapped in the dais and unable to go anywhere, the guards and Jaime stepped away since there was no need to keep an eye on him.

Tywin glanced at Tommen and motioned for him to raise, the boy not accustomed yet to what he had to do. However, he quickly obeyed and did as he had; thus making everyone in the hall copy him and stand as well.

He then looked at his uncle. "I, Tommen of the House Baratheon, First of my Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, do hereby recuse myself from this trial. Tywin of the House Lannister, Hand of the King, Protector of the Realm, will sit as judge in my stead. And with him, Prince Oberyn of the House Martell and Lord Mace of the House Tyrell. And if found guilty... May the gods punish the accused."

After he finished with his speech, one he had learnt rather fast, he walked down the steps and towards the side. Jaime placed a hand on his back and escorted him to the side where he could sit and observe the trial.

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