CIX. Jealousy Wears the Colour Red, part 2

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[A/N] - So, due to Tywin being truly jealous; I have chosen to show a true Dom-Tywin but will, of course, have Con elements. A warning, this is the smuttier and most detailed chapter I have written when it comes to such topics 😅


Tywin kept watching, his grip on the goblet was increasing without him truly paying it much attention as he was busy thinking of different ways he could make Prince Oberyn disappear without anyone knowing it.

He watched as they danced and he whispered something to her ear, their bodies now touching as they danced extremely close. The black eyes of the Dornish prince met the golden-flecked green ones of his opponent and a smirk formed on the prince's lips. He moved his head slightly closer to Visenya's hair and neck, taking her scent before pulling back and guiding her further away from the royal table while still dancing.

This move was the final move and in the very next second, the glass goblet shattered.

Tywin's hand managed to crack and break it, resulting in getting a few nice cuts across his palm; evident by the few crimson drops that started to drop from his shaking closed palm.

"Father?" Trystan dared to question, now paler a few tones by the sudden sign of anger.

The Old Lion said nothing but opened his fist, allowing the broken goblet pieces to fall on the table before he grabbed a napkin; wrapping it around his hand but his eyes not once left the dancing couple.

Visenya did not pay attention to the royal table, her back turned to it almost the whole time. She could feel the burning gaze of Tywin on her back but mostly on Oberyn, his little plan having worked as he suspected.

When he brought his face closer to her neck and her hair, she had to squeeze his hand that was holding hers to the point her nails left an evident mark on his skin. This made him pull back and look at her as he started to walk backwards, guiding her.

"Feisty, aren't we?" he joked as the dance was coming to an end.

"The last move was unnecessary," she said, narrowing her eyes faintly in a warning but kept her smirk.

"Yet you are smiling" he pointed out.

"Out of frustration because I know I cannot stab you at the moment," she said and released her deadly grip on his hand.

"You can rest assured, it was all worth it," he said as the dance came to an end and the two of them had to take a step back to give a formal bow, as all the couples did.

By the time Visenya pulled her upper body up, she felt a dominating and dark presence right behind her. Many, who took notice, froze in their tracks as the mighty Tywin Lannister stood right behind his wife.

His face was stoic but there was this upcoming danger in his eyes, making many look away or down to avoid it. His hands were behind his back, his one hand still wrapped by a napkin as the blood had started to stop slowly.

The crowd watched in silence, the music even dropping in volume as the musicians were busy watching the show. A few foolish ones, might thought that the Old Lion would join them in the dances but everyone else knew the truth; Tywin Lannister did not dance.

He had not danced in his first wedding and certainly not in his second.

"Lord Tywin" Oberyn greeted with his cocky smile as if he had not been pissing him off for the duration of the dance.

"I do believe the time it is getting late and my Lady Wife and I are to be excused," he said, his voice had this odd calmness behind it.

Based on his previous reactions, one would be surprised to hear him so calm and one might even dare to say; unbothered. Those, who truly knew him, though, were alarmed upon hearing his tone.

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