CII. Sneaky Plans & Dreams of Dragon

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Chambers of Visenya & Tywin, Tower of the Hand, Red Keep – King's Landing, Crownlands – Nightfall – Day of the Combat


Visenya was alone in the chambers, her mood rather good after all the shit she passed through. All that stress, all those worries and plans, the backstabbing and lies...all paid off and all finally came to an end.

She was finally free of all of them and she had accomplished so many things that she could not help from keeping that prideful smile upon her lips. She had gotten rid of her dress and all her jewellery, her hair falling freely on her back.

She wore nothing but a simple silk red robe above her red night dress, the usual outfit of her choice at the end of the day. She walked towards the small table at the side of the chambers where two jugs and two goblets were.

She grabbed the jug with the wine and started to feel hers when the door to her chambers was opened and then closed, with a rather unusual force. The sound of the bolt being put into place reached her ears and she could feel the sharp gaze of her husband.

"I do believe this is yours," he said and tossed something on the empty desk. "Pulled from the Mountain's skull after the Combat" his tone made it clear that he was not happy with what he had found.

Visenya drank some wine and kept the goblet in her hand before marching his way, her head high and not an ounce of remorse or guilt on her face. Her amber eyes fell on a familiar dagger, now coated with dried blood that had to be cleaned.

Yet, the engraving by the base of the blade was still visible; Arrax.

The Ruler of the Valyrian Gods, the 1st flame that represented law, order, strength...and justice.

"Looks like one of mine," she said, taking another sip as her eyes went from the weapon to him.

He narrowed his eyes in warning; his hands placed behind his back to temporarily hold his temper in check. "You rigged the combat" he pointed out, clearly displeased by what he had found out.

She lowered her goblet and moved to the front of the desk, closing the distance between them. Her chin was held up and not once did she look away, yet there was this glow of mischief within her amber orbs.

"The whole trial was rigged, if you want us to go there. But to be more specific, I did not do anything" she corrected him. "The rules state that no outside help is allowed once the combat starts. Whatever weapon Prince Oberyn has on him was up to him, not me"

Her answer did not seem to help with his temper, nor the ghost smirk that played on her lips. He knew that she was right but he was not going to admit it, feed more her new pride after she pulled the impossible.

He took a deep breath, staring her down for a solid minute. His hand itched to grab her neck and force her on her knees until she begged to be released for going against his back but he did not make any move, not yet.

"I believe I warned you what would happen if I ever found out that you went behind my back" he reminded her, his tone changing to a darker one but he still made no move.

Visenya was a little bit on guard, seeing the tension in his body and the darkness in his eyes. She knew she was poking the Lion and there would be consequences but she was not going to back down; she was a dragon and dragons never did.

"Is there anything that I can do without you eventually finding it out?" she asked rhetorically. In his mind, the answer was a simple and easy No but in hers; it was a Yes.

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