CIII. The Escapee Dwarf

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[A/N] - Thought of giving you only one chapter but did not wish to leave you at Cliffhanger (again 😅). So take two and enjoy the emotional rollercoaster.

Shoutout to @idkwhattodowithxxx for her amazing comments. I am glad my chapters motivate you to get out of bed in the morning. Here are two long chapters just for you!


The day of his Trial by Combat would be one Tyrion would never forget. So many things had taken place that even his mind felt like it could not handle it all. He was not sure what to focus on, what was really important.

He did not think of a lot of things that day, not until the combat was over and he was found innocent. Only then, did he have his chance to straighten things up.

He would be released the day after and that night was supposed to be the last one in his cell. He could survive with that but he could not wait patiently until the rise of dawn either.

The very same morning of the combat, he had been visited by Jaime. His brother thought Tyrion would be found guilty because what can a cocky man do against someone like the Mountain? Against someone that no man had ever managed to even make them kneel, let alone kill?

So, during his last visit, he confessed something to Tyrion; something that he wished he could erase from his memory. Tysha, his first was all a lie. Jaime had lied, per orders of their father, and said that Tysha was a paid prostitute; and that she did not love him.

Tyrion had believed it and continued with his life; knowing that the only woman that would ever truly love him was faking it from the start. Now, he came to find that the girl truly cared for him and yet his father made her suffer by giving her to his soldiers.

He could still remember her cries, her shouts of pain as each man took his turn with her, showing no mercy to a girl barely older than 4 & 10. He never forgot it and now he knew that an innocent girl was abused and raped by the order of his Father, all because that monstrous lion could not stand to see his own son happy.

That was a knife through the heart, one thing he never saw coming. Not only did it make his hatred for Tywin rise exponentially but also made him wonder. Did his good-mother know about that?

If she did, then she was guilty as well. She left a mere child at the mercy of grown-up men, she stood and watched and did...nothing. She continued with her life, making him believe that lie while in the end she most likely knew the truth.

As Tyrion sat on his cell that night, he kept rethinking about that...about Shae; another woman that he loved, another victim of his family. He suspected that she was threatened by Cersei or his Father to say all those lies in court.

He wished to get out of those damn cells, to go find Shae and learn the truth. Then, he wished to go see his parents and ask them. He needed to hear them admitting to the horrible thing they did all those years ago.

He would have to wait until the morning to do those things or so he thought.

It was in the middle of the night when the Guard, who was supposed to keep watch fell asleep, rather deeply. A minute later Varys came from some shadow corridor that Tyrion had barely acknowledged.

"Varys? What are you doing here?" Tyrion asked, surprised that the eunuch had come to visit him so late.

"I came to free you, my Lord" was his reply and pulled a single cell key from his huge sleeve.


"I heard word that Her Grace is planning to kill you before the sun rises on the horizon" he explained as he unlocked the cell. "I have a boat and a ship waiting for us, to take us away before anyone realizes that we are gone"

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