LVII. Checking Up on those that Matter to You

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After the small family reunion between Trystan and his parents, their paths split for a while. The young Lion had left his parents behind and headed for his chambers. Yet, halfway through he changed direction and headed for Sansa's room.

He knew with his father back, such visits would be impossible now and so he chose to return her the handkerchief because by tomorrow he wouldn't; not without raising suspicions from his parents.

He reached his destination sooner than expected and knocked on her door but did not enter; instead, he remained outside while the two Lannister guards stood. Once the door was opened, the young dire-wolf stood face to chest with Trystan; due to their height difference.

Immediately, she took a step back to be able to see him better and offered him a welcoming smile. After the terror she passed, thinking she would be raped by Stannis' men and the butchering of soldiers outside; she was relieved and happy to see him standing and in one piece.

"Ser Trystan" she greeted, giving a formal bow and taking notice of the mud and blood on his armour.

"My apologies for the late hour and the uncomfortable site, Lady Sansa," he said and pulled the familiar white cloth from behind his breastplate. It was rather clean and only had the corners be little wet from the fallen rain outside while fighting. "I do believe this is to be returned to you, now that I have survived the battle"

Sansa felt the need to giggle, truly not expecting him to keep that little promise but yet again...He is a man of honour and promises...a true white knight, she thought.

She kept her smile and took the handkerchief that was supposed to belong to him; although by the looks of it, she was now the new owner of it. "Thank you, Ser Trystan. I am relieved to see that you have returned and hopefully unharmed"

Her smile seemed to be contagious and the corners of his lips were lifted slightly, giving a ghost smile as he moved his hands behind his back again. "Unharmed yes, clean...not so much" he said, somehow the moment having inspired him enough and he tried to throw a weak joke.

Once again, he was successful and the Northern Girl giggled behind her lifted palm; enjoying his joke. "I do believe it is to expected, Ser. Nonetheless, we have won. I heard that your Father brought the relief party at the last moment" she said, the news having reached them the moment those events took place.

Trystan did not comment on it and he was not surprised that she had already learnt the news by now. "That he did, along with the Tyrells. My mother has also joined them and will be present in King's Landing from now on" he informed her. "You do not have to worry much about Joffrey now, my lady. With them around, especially my father, things will change"

There was some relief on her face and the glow of hope in her grey-blue eyes. "I hope so, Ser. Thank you for letting me know" she said, her smile coming even more natural now.

He bowed his head just a tad. "It is late and it has been a long night. I shall let you rest and I will see you tomorrow in the Throne Room"

"Tomorrow?" she asked, confused by his words.

Trystan realized that she was not familiar with how things in the court worked or at least hadn't been told about the events yet. "King Joffrey is to honour my father for saving the city and the Tyrells for their help. It's mostly a ceremony for those that helped and brave men becoming knights for their service in the fight" he explained.

"I see. Thank you for letting me know, Ser Trystan. May you have a pleasant night" she said, afraid she was holding him too long.

The young Lion gently took her hand and planted a kiss on the back of it, making her cheeks involuntarily turn pink. "A pleasant night to you too, Lady Sansa," he said, offered a charming smile and let her hand go.

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