XCI. The Purple Wedding, part 4

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While this humiliation was going on and while the couple was mentally arguing with only their gazes, Trystan was silently fuming from the end of the table where he was seated. His glare was so intense that if fire could be produced from his eyes or someway he could kill someone like that, and the cocky, spoilt boy would be long dead on the floor.

He did not move, knowing he could not do anything to change it. He did not have the influence his parents generally had nor their skills to stand up against Joffrey. Even Jaime, who was watching from the distance, seemed ready to smack the boy but could not do anything about it.

The tension was rising, not only between uncle and nephew but also within the Lion family. One could cut it with a knife by how intense and solid it felt that even some watchers from the crowd felt uneasy.

Thankfully, Margaery's sharp eye noticed something and she immediately rushed to save the day before anyone would drop dead; although by now she would not mind seeing Joffrey among the corpses.

"Look, the pie." She said and stood up, drawing most of the attention to her until she pointed in a certain direction.

Four servants started to approach, carrying this giant pie and the crowd applauded since everyone would get to have a piece of the extravagant baked pie.

Joffrey snapped the goblet from Tyrion and went towards Margaery. At the same time, Tyrion moved to his usual place while everyone stood up for the cutting of the pie.

"My queen," Joffrey said and unsheathed his new Valyrian Sword.

He then headed towards the pie as the servants left the huge tray on the floor. The pie had an extra piece in the shape of a crown at the top and a part that was protruding. Yet, Joffrey paid it no mind as he used his sword and cut it in half.

To his surprise, doves were released from the pie and everyone clapped while he looked triumphant.

Visenya finally had her hands free and clapped weakly, clearly doing it just for the show and to ensure no one would suspect anything after all those reactions, facial expressions and passive-aggressive looks between her and her husband. She connected her gaze with Oberyn, who seemed to share his displeasure and who had finally seen the true nature of the sadistic King.

"Wonderful. Wonderful. My hero." Margaery faked with a huge smile as the boy-king walked her way.

The servant went to lift the cake and move it to the side, no one in the crowd noticing how a few doves rested dead inside; having been cut in half by Joffrey's blade. Their blood was slowly being absorbed by the insides of the pie that quickly started to be cut and served to the guests.

As plates started to be passed around, everyone was seated and the Dragoness leaned back on the chair. She merely pushed her own plate with the pie away, clearly not in the mood to eat while Trystan did not even bother to lift a fork and try it or even bother to push it away; sharing her displeasure and sudden lack of appetite.

At the same time, Margaery was busy feeding Joffrey pieces of the pie while he looked at her like a love-sick puppy. She had this fake smile that was quite believable, especially if one would consider what she had to watch until now. Yet only a few could truly see just how fake that smile was, few that knew of her nature and her past.

While this was going on, Sansa and Tyrion tried to leave the table without drawing attention but somehow; Joffrey seemed to sense it. Even with his back turned, he seemed to know what they were about to do and of course; stopped them.

"Uncle." He said as he chewed on the piece of pie and then turned to face his relative. "Where are you going? You're my cup-bearer, remember?" he asked, clearly not done with the humiliating act.

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