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The Long Night was an event that would never be forgotten, for it was the big enemy coming from the Far North that united the Kingdoms as one.

In that battle, people fought as a whole and for a moment forgot that they were loyal to different houses. Even after the battle was over, the gap between many had closed.

Everyone took their paths but they all remembered what they fought for and whom they fought side by side with. That was the first step in the direction of a united and far stronger Westeros.

And each of our key players finally settled down and started the lives that they truly deserved.


Beyond the wall:


Far beyond the destroyed Wall, Jon lived his days with the Free Folk and Yggrite. She bore him three healthy children, all kissed by fire like her and all three were girls; much to the dismay of Tormund.

Yet each one was loved equally by their Father, who found peace and happiness in the most unlikely of places; along with Freedom. Out there, he was equal to everyone around him and no one cared whether he was a dragon, a wolf or some bastard.

Out there, he learnt to enjoy life and raise a happy family; offering all three of his daughters everything he had while growing up and far more.


Casterly Rock:


Jaime married Brienne, almost two years after he brought his suggestion to his Father. The female Knight was hesitant at first but Sansa reassured her that she should do it and that if she ever needed her, she would call her.

Thus, the famous Kingslayer removed his white cloak after all those years and officially took the role of Lord of Casterly Rock, making sure that a Lion once again sat on the marble white chair that belonged to Lan the Clever; the very first of the Lannister Lions.

Brienne and Jaime would live a long and happy life, with little stress and three children.

One was a set of twins and would be born first, a girl and a boy with hair as gold as their father and eyes the familiar emerald green that every lion bore. Then, another girl would be born a few years later who was the personification of her mother in both spirits but also looks.

Of course, Jaime was not the only lion to get a happy ending. His siblings as well, got a better chance in life and actually managed to truly know what the definition of being happy truly meant; something that almost all of them thought was a task they were cursed to never achieve.

Yet, the Gods proved them wrong...all of them.


The Reach:


Cersei kept raising her baby boy, who was growing young and handsome by the day. She named him Joffrey, after her firstborn son but thankfully for the realm; that boy was far kinder compared to his predecessor.

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