XXXVI. Masks & Lies All Around

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Winterfell - The North - The day after Robert's Visit


By the time the sun was fully up above the North and Winterfell, the main courtyard had been occupied by the Stark Children. As per usual, they wished to practise their sword skills, sparring with one another.

This time, they had a small crowd as members of the Lannister family happened to watch from different positions. They were not truly interested in the show but were passing by and chose to see it, especially when a specific Lion chose to join the training.

Somehow, young Trystan had managed to persuade the Stark children to allow him to participate.

When it was time for a spar, Jon backed down."Bastards cannot harm heirs, Ser. No matter what family they come from"

"Well, it says nothing of an heir against another" Robb had commented right after, feeling a sense of adrenaline at the thought of sparring with the young Knight.

Trystan seemed more than happy to accept his challenge and both picked up a training sword made of thick heavy wood. After both fixed their positions, they started to spar as the sound of wood against wood echoed across the open area.

Robb was very good with the sword, having been practising for years with many knights and even his father. He had a good stance and his attacks were more strength-based, compared to his opponent.

However, the Half-Lion was faster and easily blocked his attacks or dodged them; making the young Direwolf stumble forward a few times. Unlike many knights, Trystan did not fight based on brute strength but had a more flexible style. He did block and attack with the right footwork, using his height when he could but he did often choose to dodge and tire out his opponent.

"What kind of fighting is that? Never seen someone moving so much" Arya commented as she watched, glancing at her brother Jon.

"A more versatile one" A new voice said as Tyrion joined them, at the other side of the Stark girl. "My brother follows his mother's path, choosing to be faster and tiring his opponents than using brute strength like a barbarian"

"My brother does not fight like a barbarian" Arya quickly argued, rushing to defend Robb.

Tyrion smirked. "Who said I was talking about your brother?" he asked her, making her look to the side in embarrassment and annoyance that she fell for it. "I was mostly referring to knights in King's landing, especially some of the Kingsguard. Honestly, when they train it makes you wonder if they do try to disarm their opponents or just test who can push the other the furthest away" his words amused the two stark children and he took pride in it. "Anyways, my younger brother can fight like a knight and rely purely on strength but I can see today he is more in the mood to be less professional"

Surprisingly, Robb seemed amused by the whole sparring and he kept attacking; trying to bring his opponent down despite their tricks. Trystan, would sometimes switch and try to par him with strength or force him to take a step back but it was clear from the smirk upon his lips that he was enjoying it too.

"You mentioned his mother. You mean the former Princess?" Arya asked after another silent moment of observing, her eyes never leaving the two elder boys.

"Just don't call her like that when she is around, she will not like it" the dwarf joked. "But yes, my good-mother does have a surprising record in combat for a woman"

Both Starks knew all too well of the famous Targaryen that married the Old Lion back when the Mad King still ruled. It was known that she led men into battle, with the biggest being the one in the Trident; where her nephew perished under Robert's war hammer and she was taken prisoner.

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