X. Fire & Blood, part 2

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[A/N] - I know many of you wish to see more interaction between Tywin and Visenya, specifically more romance and I assure you; that it is coming soon. To keep it canon and realistic, it clearly takes time but slowly from this arc and afterwards; there will be more into their relationship.

Plus, Visenya herself is quite reserved in emotions with everyone (more of it will be explored and explained as the story progresses and there will be exceptions of course), so herself doesn't chase directly or expose things as easily or as open as some others.

I do hope I portrayed Tywin accurately enough for a man like him, it is hard to truly make him show any type of affection or emotions; without having some logical reasoning behind it.


Visenya was on top of her horse, her valyrian blade singing as it slashed through the enemy as if they were paper. The sharp ancient blade was coated once again in blood, men falling victim to her attacks without anyone stopping her.

She had never been in such a battle, where all over her men fought. Her adrenaline was kicking, her senses heightened and her amber eyes constantly moved around her; watching for any sneak attacks.

It was more tiring than one would imagine, the smell of fresh blood and smoke was not helping one's head to remain fully clear. The green flames had almost fully died but the smoke had formed a cloud above them, reducing their ability to see clearly.

Suddenly, the whistling sound of an arrow was heard and she felt the sharp tip of it leaving a nice scratch on her cheek; having missed her head by a single inch. Another arrow was shot her way and she jumped to the side, falling off her saddle as the arrow would have found its mark this time.

She rolled on the ground and quickly stood up, her blade not once leaving her hand. She quickly got on the defensive, blocking the sword of an enemy before locking into combat. The only sound she could hear was that of her heart beating and the blood rushing in her veins.

Her muscles ached from the resistance she kept against each attack, the men she fought had more power than her but she had technique and a sneaky mind; fighting her way to bring down her opponents.

As she sliced the neck of a soldier, she felt his blood gashing out like a small fountain and staining her face. She turned her head to the side to avoid any more of it going into her eyes when she saw Tywin struggling.

A visible wound was on his right thigh, forcing him to limp as he kept deflecting the sword of an enemy; who kept playing dirty and tried to harm his arms. With his back turned on her, he could not see her but neither could see Bastard Pitt marching his way; sword raised.


Tywin had just managed to stab his sword through his opponent, the young man coughing blood upon his face as he was pushed off the blade; his body laying on the floor as life left his body shortly after.

His chest heaved up and down, his leg stinging but he refused to let him stop from fighting. He sensed someone behind him and as he turned, he saw Pitt ready to stab him from above.

Before he could react, someone else did.

The blur of a blade moved swiftly and fast, cutting through Pitt's head from left to right in one clean motion. The upper part of the head slid to the side first and the dead body of the Bastard Lion followed soon after.

The True Lion adverted his green eyes from the horrifying view of the body to his saviour, seeing Visenya leaning on her sword and panting. Her face was stained by blood, her armour and hair were no exception.

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