CLI. The Battle Continues...

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Daenerys & Visenya...


The wind was their biggest opponent, for it seemed to trouble even the dragons. Their powerful winds kept them up in the air but their vision was reduced, their senses overwhelmed and that made them an easier prey.

It was almost impossible to see around you and through that unknown anything could come at you, without realizing it; until it would be too late.

Daenerys kept holding tightly on Drogon's scales, unable to see or hear anything other than the blizzard. She was glad she was wearing her gloves but the cold did not help. If her body was not filled with adrenaline from the battle and the fact that the Night King was after her, she knew she would have felt the cold.

She did not know where the enemy was and she could not see him. She did, however, trust Drogon like she had trusted him when he saved her from the Sons of Harpy. He was doing his best to keep her safe, although sometimes his reflexes proved to be of equal trouble as their opponent.

Another sharp turn...

The black dragon was forced to yet another manoeuvre, barely missing the attack from his undead brother. The wind was not helping when sometimes he had to go against it nor the fact that he had not gotten any other orders on how to act.

His instincts were telling him to attack but while his mother was on his back, he tried to fight them. Of course, that did not always work.

It was in those times that the Mother of Dragons actually thought how bad of an idea it was not to wear a saddle on her dragon. She could have strapped herself on it; have a better handle and not have to worry that one wrong turn could send her to her death.

As her hands almost grew numb from her deadly grip, an idea came into her mind.

"Drogon! Low!" she shouted above the noise caused by the howling winds.

The black beast heard her and started to flow lower, none truly aware of how close the undead Viserion was.


The winds seemed not to be that bad as they dropped in altitude and despite the snow, Daenerys could see the fight beneath her. Since she saw no sign of Viserion, she chose to lead Drogon even lower.

"Dracarys!" she ordered the huge beast, a plan already in mind.

The black dragon opened his jaws and started to release a stream of fire, taking down undead ones and helping both the Dothraki but also the rest of the Westerosi soldiers. Of course, she tried not to attack too close for the armies had been mixed and thus; she focused on the undead she could see outside of the fighting batch.

As Drogon flew above them and took big turns to remain close to the castle and the battles, his flames also changed direction and were now aimed at the undead trying to climb over every single wall of the castle.

She smirked in pride, seeing how much she could help but her joy was cut short rather quickly.

Viserion appeared out of nowhere, striking Drogon by the side as his back claws pierced through the black scales.

The two animals let out roars, one of pain and the other of anger as the bigger dragon tried to remain in the air but also fight back his undead brother; who was so eager to take him down.

The sudden attack made Daenerys almost slip, her heart aching at hearing her child shouting in pain and she could even see the blood dripping from his flesh wounds. She was not sure what to do other than hold tightly and pray that Drogon would manage to free himself and fight back.

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