CXIV. She-Dragon vs High Sparrow

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Underground Chambers of the Alchemist Guilt, Beneath Visenya's Hill – King's Landing, CrownLands


Beneath the unsettled city of King's Landing, few truly knew of the passages and secret chambers that could be found. Everyone was busy with the High Sparrow and the ongoing battles and threats, thus none seemed to remember the biggest weapon that kept being produced beneath their noses.

Per Visenya's instructions, all reports came to her directly and even Tywin did not know the details of it; rather the few things she would let him know. That original plan was something the Dragoness was thankful for because it was time to truly use her resources and chase all of her remaining luck for a plan that might kill her.

She met with Wisdom in the secret chambers while everyone was occupied and her presence was not going to be noted. Side by side she walked with the Alchemist, who informed her of the latest achievements of this new batch of Wildfire.

"And how many have you available right now?" she finally asked, passing by a few working alchemists.

"A lot, my Lady. How many do you need?" he asked, his dark eyes never leaving hers.

Their steps were slow, hers always so confident while they discussed in utter secrecy; as if they were planning a coup against the crown. One might say a coup was what they planned but it was not against the young boy named King.

"Enough. I have a plan but for it to work, I need your full confidentiality and trust" she said as she came to a halt and fully turned to face the shorter man. "Do I have that?" Visenya asked, staring him down with a judging and warning look.

The man nodded his head a few times. "Of course, my Lady. Haven't I proven it to you by now? We have followed your instructions all those months" he pointed out, not fully bothered by her sharp gaze.

The Dragoness did not smile nor did she seem fully to believe his words. However, time was of the essence and she could no longer delay it.

A leap of faith, isn't what they say? She thought and nodded her head. "Good" she exclaimed and motioned for him to lead them to a more private room in order to discuss what needed to be done and how soon.


The Hand's Study, Chamber of the Hand, Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands – A few days after Visenya met with Wisdom


Tywin Lannister was as per usual in his study, stacks of papers and unanswered letters all scattered across his desk. The amount of work he had obtained lately had doubled compared to any other time.

An untouched goblet of wine was also on the desk but he did not bother much with it, too busy handling anything else he had to do. His mind was constantly working, thinking and questioning as the latest events with the High Sparrow refused to leave his thoughts.

He had handled a lot of thorns over the years but none were as troublesome and resistant as it was this one. If it was a further away threat like Daenerys, perhaps he would not waste his sleep over it but this one was quite literally outside his door.

His own family was threatened from multiple fronts and that did not sit well with him. He was a man, who defended his loved ones, and his own blood and he would die if it meant they and the family name would survive.

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