XII. Cards on the Table, part 1

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King's Landing - CrownLands - 39 days since Visenya Left


King Aerys II sat on the Iron Throne, one cheek pressed against the knuckles of his hand in boredom. By the base of the stairs, a nobleman from a house he did not truly care to remember was talking to him.

In two rows at the sides, many noblemen and women were present to witness their mighty King offering justice and comfort while listening to his subjects. By the base of the steps to the right, Queen Rhaella sat on a chair with both hands on her blown-up stomach.

Suddenly, a Royal Guard opened one of the double doors of the Throne Room; earning everyone's attention as he rushed towards the Iron Throne. "The Hand of the King, Lord Tywin Lannister and the Targaryen Princess Visenya II have returned with prisoners" he announced, slightly out of breath as he looked up at the King.

Aerys did not seem to be in the mood to see them, especially the cheap trick Visenya pulled on him. Okay, it might not be a trick for he did not remember it but he knew she had a part in this; rushing with his army to protect Tywin and help him.

Yet, as everyone's eyes turned on him, he knew he had to act the part. "Bring them in, then" he ordered the soldier, who rushed towards the half-open doors.

Not a minute later both doors were forced open as Lannister and Targaryen Men started to walk inside the room, quickly spreading to the left and right respectively forming lines. In the middle of the path they formed, the prideful partners walked towards the Iron Throne; dressed in their armour.

Gasps were heard from multiple people in the room as the two victors walked side by side, behind them around 10 men were bound in chains and held by the soldiers. Once at the right distance, Tywin and Visenya came to a halt.

The Lannister soldiers all were right behind Tywin at the left side of the room while the Targaryen ones were behind Visenya respectively, the prisoners held in the middle of the two rows.

"Your Grace," they said at the same time and gave a bow of their own.

The one Tywin did was shallow, not truly deep and a reflection that he did not truly fear nor respect the man sitting on the Iron Throne. Visenya did a more formal one since she had worked behind his back.

"I see you two have returned Victorious" Aerys said, trying to hide how much he despised the fact that everyone's attention was on them instead of him.

Visenya slowly lifted her body and looked at him. "Of course, your Grace. The rebels have been defeated, the minor houses that assisted have been dealt with accordingly and the traitors of the crown have been brought in front of you to face justice" she continued, her honey-coated words working like magic to ease his temper. "Thanks to your orders and your battle plan, your Grace, this victory became possible as the enemy paid with Fire and Blood"

Murmurs started between the nobles, many talking and even praising the powerful King for thinking of the plan which was used to bring Victory. Some did not truly believe it but the praising was all the same in Aerys' eyes.

Somehow, his temper started to subside as all the glory and attention were given to him. People were not fools and neither were the soldiers, for they knew who truly the one behind that Victory was.

Word would spread rather quickly, and the ones awake enough would see that the King did not truly hold any power nor he was the genius man he tried to make others think. It was only because of that harsh truth, that Tywin let Visenya speak and did not allow his pride to get the best of him.

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