LXXXVI. The Return of Favours & The Deliverance of Gifts

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Visenya & Tywin's Chambers, Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands


After the talk with Sansa, Visenya walked with her a little bit and then chose to retreat for the day. She was quite mentally exhausted and felt this inner need to just try and sleep early. It would not be the first time but it was not often either.

Tywin was busy dealing with his duties as Hand and would not come anytime soon. This meant that the Dragoness would be alone in their chambers for a while or so she thought. She has just thrown her robe above her night dress and stepped from behind the changing screen only to find Varys in the room.

For a moment, she subconsciously tensed by his sudden and unexpected presence; as well as wondering how he came into the room considering the guards stationed outside. Her eyes quickly adverted to the fireplace behind him, being unlighted and seeing the faint traces of a secret passage.

Of course, he would know of that passage, she thought ironically and focused back on the eunuch.

"Lord Varys. I did not expect your visit" she said casually, not truly bothered by her thin or informal clothing on her.

She was never shy around any man about how she dressed and would never be. She would fight naked if she was left with no choice and she would not even hesitate. Plus, the eunuch was not truly a man to look for carnal desires or have such thoughts in his mind; at least from what she had come to understand.

"My Lady" he greeted back, his hands hidden within his sleeves. "I apologize for the late visit. However, I did find it the best time" he said and she knew what he was talking about.

Because Tywin is not around me and no one will spy on us in here, she concluded and nodded her head.

"I do believe it is about the favour, isn't it?" she questioned him, although she suspected the answer already.

He nodded to show his agreement and she let out a sigh. She was not in the mood to deal with this now but she could not refuse him, this was not how the game was played. She walked towards the desk that existed in the chambers, smaller and emptier than the one in the Hand's Study.

She leaned at the edge of it, hands holding the edges for some extra support while her eyes were locked on the form of the Master of Whisperers, waiting for him to say his price for his service.

"You do not have to be alarmed, My Lady. I merely wish for information as a return for finding out where Vargo Hoat was" he said, noticing her silent gaze and the faint stiffness of her body.

"What information you wish to know then?" she asked, fixing her robe around her shoulders since it had a tendency to slip downwards due to the silk material it was made of.

"About your Dragon Dreams," he said, managing to ruin her calm facade and almost her composure.

Her lips parted faintly and there was the faintest of change in her eyes, shock visible in those amber irises of hers. "What Dragon Dreams?" she asked trying to ensure that she would not fall into any of his traps and betray herself.

Varys took a few steps towards her but kept a respectful distance. "There is no need to worry, My Lady. I am well aware of your family's prophetic abilities passed to you after Daeny the Dreamer"

Visenya took a deep breath and then exhaled, realizing he indeed knew more than she ever suspected. She was not sure how much he knew but she had to find out. If he was aware of her dreams, this could be dangerous.

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