LXXVI. Breaking Fast with Lions

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Tyrion & Sansa's Chambers, Red Keep – King's Landing, Crownlands – The Next Morning


Tyrion had woken up with a strong headache from all the wine he had drunk yesterday. His body was a little sore from the chair he slept on but it was better than sleeping next to Sansa, making her feel uncomfortable.

His waking up was not pleasant, being awoken by Shea with a slap on his cheek. It was not that harmful but the message was passed as he glared silently at him, while he helped Sansa get dressed.

However, once she checked the white bed sheets and saw no blood; she finally looked at him. Yet, she said nothing and merely exited the room; leaving him and his new wife alone.

Before any of them could speak, someone knocked on their open door and Tyrion was surprised to see his brother standing there.

"Good morning brother, Lady Sansa" he greeted and entered the room but only a few steps.

"Ser Trystan" Sansa greeted a small smile on her lips and she even gave a formal half-bow for him.

Tyrion noticed the way the corner of his brother's lips twitched upwards and how the mood of his new wife quickly changed upon seeing the young Lion.

"Trystan" Tyrion greeted back, slowly lifting his short body to sit by the edge of the chair.

"You do not look good brother" he pointed out.

The Imp rolled his eyes. "Yeah well...that chair is not as comfortable as one might think" he pointed out, making Sansa feel slightly guilty.

Trystan's eyebrows frowned faintly and looked between his brother and his new wife, eventually letting his eyes go to the undressed bed. As the pieces fell into place in his mind, relief replaced his confused features.

"Of course," he said, the weakest of smiles forming.

He knew his brother would not harm Sansa and was not really surprised that they did not consummate their marriage. A part of him thought Tyrion would try because Father ordered it but once again, the dwarf was too righteous and stubborn.

"Why are you here, brother?" the said brother asked, upon seeing his wife too shy to truly talk to the younger lion.

Immediately, his expression changed to a serious one. "Mother has invited us all to break fast with Father, as a family" he explained, placing his hands behind his back.

This shocked Sansa and Tyrion even, although the Lion quickly found control of his mind and focused on the important question in front of them. "Why?" he asked.

Trystan glanced at his feet for a moment, a sign that he was feeling slightly guilty or awkward. It was not something uncommon for his siblings to see but it was new for Sansa, who could see a less formal side of the Half-Lion.

"Mother wants Sansa to get to know us and mostly she gets to know her" he explained, choosing not to tell them that he was partially responsible for this idea.

Tyrion paled a few tones as he jumped to his feet. "I can't believe I am saying his but she is mad" he commented, confusing his wife. "Father has never sat as a family with anyone that was not truly a Lion other than Good-Mother" he reminded him.

The Half-Lion shrugged his shoulders. "She wants to know and she persuaded Father, so"

Sansa, who had been watching them from the sidelines found the courage to speak up. "I am afraid I do not understand, it is just family breaking fast together," she said, making the two Lions look at one another.

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