CXXXI. An Old Lion in Winterfell

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Jaime and Trystan spent days at Winterfell after their arrival, now that the charges against the older lion cub had been temporarily dropped. They had the chance to spend more time with Brienne and Sansa respectively, while also getting to reunite with some familiar faces.

Both lions met with Ser Barristan again, who was always happy to see them and the men they had become. He had helped train both of them when they were younger, although not as much as he did Visenya; but he still appreciated seeing them present and doing the right thing.

There was still tension between them and the Northern Lords, but no moves were made against one another. The two brothers even met the Free Folk, who seemed to take a liking to the sheltered and awkward Trystan; who according to Tormund, reminded them of Jon when he had first met the Free Folk beyond the Wall. Back then when he was merely a Crow, a brother of the Night's Watch and not the King in the North that he was now.

Eventually, the first part of the reinforcements arrived early noon and the army was led by none other than the mighty Old Lion of Casterly Rock.


Main Courtyard, Winterfell – The North, Westeros - Day


Many had gathered in the courtyard of the castle, all the biggest of House representatives being present to welcome their latest allies. Of course, many did not hide their expressions when the first thing they saw was the famous red banner with the golden lion on it.

The huge army remained out the walls and only a few soldiers with their representatives marched their horses inside, to meet with Daenerys and the Stark children. Among those soldiers were lords of big houses coming from three different regions while the most noticeable banners were those of the Tyrells, the Lannisters and those of Tommen; which were a mix of the Baratheon Stag and the Lannister Lion.

Tywin Lannister stopped his white Destrier to a halt, a few feet away from the welcoming party. By his left was Lord Mace Tyrell, on top of his brown mare and by his right was Lord Kevan Lannister; riding a grey stallion.

The three men climbed off their horses and took a step forward just as Jon did the same. Their eyes locked, with Tywin giving the hardest of stares as he passively studied the Bastard Stark up and down.

In the end, Jon nodded his head. "My Lords. Thank you for your participating in this war"

Tywin gave a ghost head nod. "We agreed that this was a war that affects all of us"

His golden-flecked green eyes looked around for a moment, a quick glance to assess his surroundings; since he had never truly stepped that far North. He took notice of Sansa, who had matured and grown since she left King's Landing.

The Stark girl did not lower her head but she did cast her eyes faintly down, as she had been taught by the Lion siblings when they all broke fast together. Her sister, Arya, was nowhere visible for she did not wish to meet with the Old Lion yet; considering what had transpired in Harrenhal.

His eyes went to Daenerys, who tried to keep her head up and show her might but in his eyes, she was a weak young and naive girl; who should not be responsible for an army. Even Visenya had been older before she got command of an army platoon for the first time.

His attention, lastly, went to his two sons, who stood not so far away. Both were unharmed but the look he gave them, made them glance down; he knew and he was not happy.

They were not sure how he had found out but they knew he would wish to talk with them, something they were not sure they wished to do right now. They were rather fine before his arrival.

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