CXXXVIII. The Dragons Reunite

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Lannister Camp, Outside of Winterfell – Winterfell, The North - Day


The weather kept becoming colder and colder with each passing day and no one truly knew how long it would take for the undead army to reach them. Thankfully, progress had been made with the War plans.

So far, they all had agreed at motes filled with wood and dragon glass shards; to be the primary source of defence.

The Lords continued to argue, many not fully agreeing with the battle formations; unfortunately. Some formations have been established but there were still openings that had to be filled.

Some Lords Paramount wished for their soldiers to be closer to the walls and not at the vanguard, claiming it was unfair. This led to yet another argument and the meeting to stop early, for the day.

Visenya had left the room with a headache, tired of listening to them arguing. One should expect it, considering the bad blood between them but sometimes it was getting ridiculous; at least from how she was seeing it.

Once they had all been dismissed, she chose to take her mare and go inspect the Lannister Camp. It was often part of her duties to ride between the tents, and check on the soldiers and their equipment; ensuring everything was going well.

With 10.000 soldiers, it was not that hard; when one would compare it to the much larger armies she had been commanding in the past. However, she still did her routine, despite Tywin's arguments.

She needed her time to be alone, to think and just get away from all that unnecessary drama and chaos. She knew she could not ride freely across the winter plains and thus she had to take advantage of what she could do.

So, she took her time inspecting for she did not wish to return to Winterfell yet. Truthfully, she was not in the mood to have Oberyn's humour and Tywin's comments as the two men chose to be at each other's neck even during the War Meetings.

Sometimes, Visenya truly wished to leave both men behind and just go somewhere else; but she had learnt to persevere and be patient.

She was by the edge of the camp, her horse having come to a halt and she was petting its neck. Behind her, in the distance, she could see the 50-foot tall walls of Winterfell while in front of her; Wolfswood was spreading.

She was about to turn back when she sensed it, or better say...heard it. That familiar foreign melody, this mystical song-like tune that she could not explain nor understand but felt it reaching for her heart, nonetheless.

Her attention went fully towards the woods, where she could sense the feeling coming from. Her lips parted faintly and for a moment, everything around her was muted; except for this tune.

Blinking a few times to regain control of her body and mind, she guided her mare into a troll and then into a gallop; as she headed straight for the source of it.


Wolfswood – The North, Westeros


The ride through the woods was a short one, for she had eventually taken a few turns and clearly headed for one of the many exits the forest had. Eventually, she slowed down her horse as she started to see things ahead of her.

There was a clearing, quite open and had destroyed woods all around it. There were charred animal bones scattered across the snowy floor and two Dothraki guards standing ready. Behind them, the majestic dragons lay there with their Mother; who was busy attending to them like she always did.

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