XXXIX. Revelations & Heated Moments

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[A/N] - Was in the mood and chose to release two chapters today. Also, I did feel like giving you this very nice smutty enough scene to keep you all hanging and suffer with me :P

Like I said, Tywin and Visenya do get bolder by the looks of it and age is not an obstacle ;)


Lannister Camp - Somewhere in the borders between RiverLands & WesterLands - 2 days since Robert's Hunt


True to their plan and words, Visenya and Tywin had made their moves. Despite Eddard's efforts to hunt down the Mountain for his attacks in the RiverLands, the Lannister forces defended the mad dog and shed the first blood in the fight between Lannisters and Starks.

Slowly, the Lions spread but did not make any move yet. They did wait, to see if the King would dare to interfere with the RiverLands and try to attack them first; which would then justify the Lion's attacking back as self-defence.

The time was passing slowly, their forces only growing as the plan kept unfolding and branching. While they could not truly plan every detail of it, they tried their best to cover most unexpected interferences that could take place.

The fact remained, though, that Tyrion had yet to be freed and thus no peace could come any time soon; for even if the dwarf was released, the Lions did request payback for the insult against their house.

It was nightfall above the camp and Tywin with Visenya were in their tent. Far bigger than the ones of common soldiers, it had more than the necessities for the days they spent away from Casterly Rock.

Both had removed their armours, choosing to be in tunics and pants for better comfort and flexibility. If an attack were to take place, they could fight without it worst-case scenario but they had doubts it would ever come to that.

Visenya drank some wine from her cup, her back turned to her husband as he was busy reading the latest letter from King's Landing. Robert had returned from the hunt gravely injured, having been saved from the boar by Trystan; who was given basic honours for his bravery.

"An ironic turn of events for justice to be served" Tywin commented as he left the letter on his desk, referring to the fact that Robert loved to hunt and was rather good at it; and yet he was close to death because of it but while also implying something else.

"Gods do have a twisted and rather cruel sense of humour" Visenya commented as she emptied her goblet and placed it on the table, leaning faintly at the back of a chair as she moved her neck to get rid of any stiffness from spending hours above a map.

Tywin scoffed. "I truly doubt the gods had a role in any of that," he said, slowly walking her way.

Visenya noticed the changes in the shadows from the corner of her eyes and heard his confident steps. "What other evidence there is except for the markings of the boar, the true culprit behind it"

"Robert might have been a fool but he was an experienced hunter. He wouldn't fight a boar alone or simply stand in front of it and not react when it charged at him"

Visenya turned her body, coming face to face with Tywin as he stopped in front of her. It was evident that he knew something more and so did she, yet none of the parties openly accused the others.

Tension started to grow between them as none refused to back down, standing tall and confident against one another. "He grew rusty and fat, like most men on the throne. It should be expected that one day he would not be as good in the hunt as he used to be"

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