XXVIII. The Rage of a Lion

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The letters from the battle with the results were spread across the 7 Kingdoms faster than Wildfire would through a dried-up forest. One of them made its way to Tywin, who had to learn of what had become of his wife.

Anyone who truly knew Tywin Lannister would say they had seen him angry on rare occasions. Many would comment that his eyes glowed like those of a hungry lion and others said that he never raised his voice but transmitted his anger through the air.

Even his own family had seen what his anger could truly do and to whom it would be unleashed upon.

Yet none was ever prepared for the rage that would follow upon receiving that letter.

At first, there was silence and the only thing that changed was his breathing pattern. Then, there was this tension by the side of his temple, a vein almost popping from the internal pressure as his jaw clenched to the point numbness could be felt.

The hand that held the letter tightened and twisted it, the faintest of shaking barely visible to the naked eye. Then, there was the rage in his grown orbs as his own eyes darkened dangerously.

"Everyone...out!" he ordered, his voice booming across the room louder than ever before.

His gaze was blazing, his instincts going wild and he felt the need to wrap his hands around the neck of the first person that would be in range.

Per his orders, all of his siblings left, all but Kevan. Despite the fit of anger, the second Lannister brother had chosen to remain. He took the now crumbled piece of paper from the desk and read it, fully understanding the reasoning behind his anger.

Tywin was furious and he did not know who to blame first, to whom to redirect his anger and who was responsible for all of this.

The first person to come into his mind was Aerys. The mad king had started it all by refusing his idea to marry Cersei to Rhaegar. If he had done that, the boy would have never left to steal that Stark girl. Then, he had to kill all those Northern Nobles and the Starks; that ended with the North aligning with Robert in this stupid Rebellion.

Then, of course, he could and should blame the Crown Prince himself. The not-so-innocent boy that had started this rebellion by following his cock over his mind. The same boy that had asked for his dear aunt to come and save him, eventually leading to her capture.

He then felt the need to blame Visenya for she was not so innocent in all of this. Her stubbornness led her that way when she refused to remain in Casterly Rock and instead joined the war. He had made her promise to stay out of the fight and flee. Instead, she stayed and even clashed with Robert to protect that naive nephew of hers.

A little voice at the back of his mind felt that Tywin himself bore a part of the blame. He could have easily denied Visenya's request, he could have locked her in her chambers and held her there. He hadn't truly stopped her, too cocky to believe that the Dragoness would not be able to live up to her promise.

His breathing slowly returned to normal but every part of his body was stiff with tension, his jaw numb as he finally unclenched it. He turned his gaze to finally look at his brother, who looked at him with the faintest of concern.

"Prepare the men, Kevan. Once they are ready, we leave for King's Landing" he ordered, a plan already in mind.

Now that Visenya was a prisoner, it would not take long for Robert to reach King's Landing. If he took it before him, it would complicate stuff and put his house in a tough position. But if the Lannister managed to take the city for him, it would be a good start and he already thought of that 'gift' they could present to the young Stag to save his House and his wife.

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