Interviews - I

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[A/N] -
FFN: Favourite Female Name

FMN: Favourite Male Name

Therefore, imagine whichever name you want for the actors of Visenya and Trystan :D

P.S. I have seen many interviews of the GOT cast and I will try my hardest to keep the OG actors as realistic as possible with their answers. I also tried to describe it as best as I could and as I had it in my mind, I hope it worked.


Interviewer: How did it feel when you first met your co-star?"



[FFN] sat on a chair as the poster of the Shadow Queen was placed right behind her. Across from her sat her interviewer; who would take exclusive material from all the actors participating in the show. He was tasked with carrying and asking certain questions, that many fans seemed to also wish to know.

She listened carefully to the question and she could not help but chuckle faintly at it, while she thought of her answer carefully.

"Well... I was nervous, I am not going to lie. I knew who he was and I am not going to deny it, I had seen a lot of his movies... you might even say I was a fan of his" She licked her lips faintly as she thought the rest of her words. "He was all experienced in the whole acting business, having scored many big roles while for me it was my first big big one... such thoughts definitely did not help with my nerves..." she started to explain, smiling at the memory. "I remember it was the very first scene we would film together."

"When was that? The first episode?" the interviewer asked.

She nodded her head. "Yes... It was in the first episode, that Visenya and Tywin learn the news of John Arryn's death and Robert's trip to Winterfell. I remember having to sit across Charles and just... he made it look so easy, showing all this dominance and seriousness that Tywin has... and my brain is just going 100 miles per hour as I rush to get into the role and try to match him... and then the director said 'Action' and my brain just shut down anything that was not necessary or needed. Whatever I did next and said, I did it fully without thinking"

"Like an auto-pilot"

"Yes!" she chuckled along with the interviewer. "Just all those thoughts and worries disappeared and only returned when I heard the word 'cut'. I was still nervous, enough that I felt my legs weak and I took my time to get up from the chair; afraid that I would fall down..." she confessed, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly. "Charles came to talk to me after it and the more we acted, the easier it became. Turns out, I was rather worried and overthinking without a true reason"



[FMN] blinked twice at the question and took his time to think of an answer. As a rather new person to this whole business, even this interview was worrying him a little bit. However, the more he thought back to his first day on set; the more his worries were forgotten.

He sat with his back straight against the armchair and tapped his fingers faintly against his knees. "Wow...that's a tough one" he confessed, a faint reddish hue on his cheeks. "I mean.... I was totally nervous. I mean, I was new to all this... my very first acting role, let alone such a big one. Almost everyone around me was more experienced, especially Peter, Lena and Nikolaj."

"Did you meet them before the shooting started?" the interviewer asked him.

He licked his lips. "Not really. We had the chance to interact on set since we had to film the very first episode where the Royal Family visits Winterfell. So, it required all four of us to be present and have our very first official character interactions as siblings"

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