VIII. Help From the Dragons

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The following night, Visenya paid a visit to her dear older brother in his solar. Rhaella was busy taking a bath before the Maester would come and check up on her condition, her belly swelling and her health surprisingly stable.

This allowed a small window of opportunity for Visenya, who had announced her presence to him once they were in private; wooden doors closed behind her. In her hands, she held two goblets filled with wine and she walked towards her brother; who was busy reading a scroll.

He was not one to enjoy doing most of the paperwork or studying, always falling behind with his studies when they were younger. More than once he had Visenya helping him, although it was never truly a request and more like a bargain.

Then, he had Tywin to handle everything for him but now that he was gone; some of that pestering work had fallen on his shoulders and by the 7 did he not like it. Dressed in a fancy black silk robe with the Targaryen symbol in red on the back, he marched up and down while he kept reading or at least was trying to; boredom evident in his eyes.

"You seem tired, My King. May I offer some Arbour wine?" she suggested, lifting the two goblets as she took a few steps towards him.

His violet eyes moved from the scroll to her face and then to the two wine goblets in her hands. Everyone knew that Aerys loved a good wine and generally he loved drinking, along with having fun and control over everything.

"Arbour wine? And pray where did you get such wine?" he asked but put the scroll on his desk, nonetheless.

He walked her way and took the goblet from her with less mannerism than was expected. He took a moment to smell the sweet aroma of the exotic tine and smirked, before taking a few big sips.

"I had some being gifted to me by one of the available suitors. You will be surprised what they are willing to pay to gain your favour" she lied effortlessly, since the wine had been taken from Tywin's personal stack.

Aerys did not seem to care much about the details, as he savoured the sweet taste and emptied his goblet in one go. "Then as your King, I order you to bring me whatever such wine had been given to you. It is a shame to hide it away" he said with his usual cockiness and he eyed her own goblet, from which she had barely taken a sip.

Understanding what he wanted, she handed him her goblet and the corner of her lips lifted up to the faintest of smirks upon seeing him emptying it as well. "If Your Highness wishes, who am I to argue?" she said and took the goblet from him as she started to see the faintest haziness in his eyes.

"That's right because...I am the King and no one can argue with me..." he said, blinking a little more often now as he felt his vision blurring slightly.

"Are you alright, your Grace? Perhaps you should lay down?" she asked him but her voice sounded muffled by the time it reached him.

"No...yes...mayb...I...I...willlll..." he slurped and started to stumble towards the bed he had installed in his desk, for when he brought women over to fuck them.

Visenya was by his side in seconds, supporting his bigger but skinnier frame and leading him towards the bed. By the time he laid on it, he could barely keep his eyes open. "I do believe you had too much to drink, my King," she said as she pushed a strand of his white hair off his forehead.

"...mmm..." the king exclaimed, barely nodding. "Per...perhaps...I...did" The last word was practically a whisper as his eyes closed fully and sleep quickly took over.

His breathing was quiet and peaceful, his chest rising and falling as he slept. His sister watched him for a minute before she moved away from the bed.

With elegant steps, she walked towards his desk and sat on the chair. From the space between her breasts, she removed a rolled-up piece of parchment. Unrolling it on the desk, amber eyes quickly scanned over the context.

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