XIX. Where Madness Truly Started, part 2

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King's Landing, CrownLands - 6 months since Aerys' abduction.


The trip to Duskendale was merely 6 days away from King's Landing, the looming castle placed close to the coast of Blackwater Bay at the North's East. The trip had been easy and quick, a big amount of combined forces had followed the mighty Lion and the Crown Prince.

However, despite the impending danger and the incoming fury of the Seven Kingdoms; Lord Darklyn did not surrender. Instead, he threatened the life of the King if Tywin dared to attack the city, something that he could easily do; especially with the barrels of wildfire he had in his possession.

Due to the bad nature between him and Aerys, Tywin would easily let the King die and simply crown his son in his place. The Young Prince had been a model soldier, listening to everything he was told by Tywin, asking questions and not once going against him or disrespecting him.

Yet, the Lord Hand knew he could not do it; not so easily. Rumours would spread and many soldiers might even back down if they were ordered to attack; making him look as if he didn't care for the wellbeing of the King.

So, Tywin chose the second best approach and sieged the port town. He made sure to cut any incoming or outcoming communication, trade and provisions. Since the castle was not big and its coffers had been rather dry; he knew Duskendale would not last that long.

So, the months passed and the army remained there while King Aerys was held prisoner in some gloomy cells beneath the castle. Lord Darklyn did not surrender but he knew he could not execute his only leverage, the only thing keeping him alive so far.

Tywin had been in constant contact with Visenya, who had her troubles at court. With the absence of the King and her temporary ascension to the throne, setbacks had risen. A woman had never truly sat for long on the Iron Throne, especially in recent history.

Yet, the mighty Dragoness handled everything as if she was born knowing how to do it. She ruled properly, she kept the Lords and Allies occupied and with enough information to keep them engaged but never too much to expose the true situation.

She continued with the trade, which had increased since Duskendale was under siege and had meetings with the small Council every day. Thankfully, her cousin Ser Steffon was an official member of the court thanks to Aerys and he was helping her wherever he could.

The communication was frequent, the two of them exchanging opinions and how they should proceed. In the last letter, Tywin said, he had openly admitted to planning to use Wildfire and burn the walls.

Then, simply allow the soldiers to sack the town and try to save the king as well. If they would fail, he knew of the fate of Aerys but there was no true guilt behind his words.

Visenya did not blame him because she had similar thoughts for quite some time now. One might even consider all of that as a sign from the 7 that Aerys had to go and this was the best way to have a different person in a position of such power.

Yet, the Dragon Princess refused to give up so easily. She wanted to make sure all the other alternatives had been thought thoroughly before they would go for a front attack. The idea came to her when during the early hours of the night, she happened to stare out of her window.

She spotted a servant leaving the Red Keep after finishing work, covering themselves with rags and dark clothing. If one would look like a poor peasant, it was easier to roam the roads of King's Landing without problems or fear of being mugged.

Then, an idea seemed to be sparked in her mind and she quickly returned to her desk and started to write her letter to Tywin. Her plan was simply, perhaps sounding impossible but it was one last worthy try.

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