LXXXV. Garden Walks & Casual Talks

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Gardens of the Red Keep, Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands


The weather was welcoming and warm, the sun gracing them with light and the garden still held a lot of life. The bushes were green, the roses and flowers blooming and the trees had yet to lose their leaves.

Not a lot of people were present around that hour and it allowed them some privacy, which they were thankful for. Although, with the topic of discussion they were too focused on one another than to truly care or pay much attention to those around them.

"...my aunt Genna has helped raise me, especially when my Mother was busy with the affairs of the Westerlands. She tutored me on fabrics and colours for a while before my parents found out..." he had started to explain as they walked slowly, their hands no longer interlocked. "She would always say how a good husband should know what dresses and colours would suit his wife"

Sansa listened carefully, surprised by that piece of information but accepted it nonetheless. "Did your parents stop her after they found out?"

"My mother did not seem to mind, finding it useful to have a multiple set of skills. As for my father..." his steps were slow, confident and his hands were behind his back. "He did not protest or say something. Although, between you and me; he was the one to upgrade my Mother's wardrobe along with my aunt" he confessed, making her chuckle.

She could not imagine that terrifying Old Lion knowing about fabrics, let alone being the one to help the Dragoness wear such styling and beautiful gowns. Yet again, this family was full of surprises.

"Honestly, I wish more men were tutored and were like you and Lord Tywin" she confessed, walking next to him in a more relaxed manner; immersed in the topic of their discussion.

He nodded his head. "I agree my lady. If a woman can sit down and listen to their Lord Husbands talking about hunting and battles, then they should listen to their Lady Wives about embroidery, poetry and so on"

Sansa nodded her head, agreeing with his opinion while hiding her surprise as well. She did not expect Trystan to be so open-minded, compared to all the men and young boys she had met; her brothers included.

Yet he seemed to be a breath of fresh air, so unique compared to everyone around him. It was clear that when he was raised and tutored, a lot of things had been chosen correctly but a part of her suspected it was his character that way as well.

She did not comment on it for she saw him taking a few steps to the side towards a bush of roses. He picked a bloody red one and handed it to her with a charming smile. "The most beautiful of flowers with the strongest scents and the most vibrant colours grow in the toughest of places. This is because it was meant to outshine and stand out from the others" he quoted, as if he had a poetry book in front of him.

She looked at him, both having stopped walking while she gently took the rose from him. Her cheeks had a small flush, her eyes wide as she looked at him; clearly mesmerized and charmed by his words.

She cleared her throat to bring back her composure and glanced down at her feet for a moment. "Thank you, Ser Trystan," she said, a smile playing on her lips without her control.

"My apologies, My Lady. I did not mean to make you uncomfortable" he confessed, making her look back at him.

"Oh, not at all Ser. On the contrary...your words were beautiful" she confessed as the hue in her cheeks remained and she noticed that small smile of embarrassment upon his lips. "Did you think of them yourself? It sounded very poetic"

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