CXXIX. Northern Reunions

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Winterfell, The North, Westeros – Sometime Later


After being forgiven and not executed, for now, Jaime and Trystan had their swords returned while their guards could now rest assured that they had not failed their duty.

After Jaime was allowed to fight with them, the whole meeting ended and everyone moved out of the room. He was from the last ones to do so, for he wished to speak to one person in particular; one that he had not seen in a long time.

This is how he found himself approaching Brienne, as she stood on some of the highest walls of the castle. She was looking ahead at the frozen tundra, the same direction from where the army of the undead would come.

His steps against the stone and wooden structures made noise, alerting her of his incoming presence.

"Ser Jaime" she greeted him, turning her body sideways in order to face him properly.

Jaime offered a small smile as he could now stand in front of her, keeping at least two feet of respectful distance between them. "Lady Brienne. It is a pleasure to see you after so long" he said, his words rather genuine and not what one would expect from the famous Kingslayer.

"It has been long, indeed. I truly wish it had been under different circumstances" she confessed.

He nodded his head, showing his agreement. "On the other hand, I see you found both Stark Girls"

"I did, although Lady Arya was a tough case. I first found her with the Hound but she refused to come. I found Lady Sansa and eventually Lady Arya found us" she explained, resting her hand on the sword he had given her. "Something that would not have been possible, without your assistance"

His small smile remained, having missed hearing her voice but also hearing that his actions did something good; for once.

"I am glad to hear that. Lady Catelyn can now rest in peace that her daughters are safe and my job is done" he said, not once looking away from her. He let silence exist between them for a small moment, before clearing his throat. "I...I wanted to thank you, for defending me back there. You did not have to"

"I only spoke of what was right. You did save my life and my dignity from those men and the fact that you came here first, to face the Targaryen girl; speaks more than enough about your current character"

"Well, this current character was helped shaped by someone speaking constantly of honour and oaths," he said and his smile turned into a smirk of pride upon seeing her cracking a smile of amusement.

The two of them looked at one another in silence, like two long-lost friends and perhaps even more. Being around one another, after all they had been through, it was impossible for them to feel awkward or odd.

There was this feeling of familiarity when they were in the presence of one another, and an innate feeling that they could truly be themselves; without worrying of others judging them.

Eventually, their attention was caught by something a few levels below them.

One would have to be blind to miss the sight of Sansa walking side by side with Trystan, a natural smile on their lips and the most innocent of glances sent to one another.

Brienne focused on them, passively to ensure Sansa was alright but also out of small curiosity. "Your brother" she started, breaking the silence. "I never had the chance to properly meet him but he seems like a good man. He followed you all the way here and rushed to defend you"

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