XXIX. A Lion Always Defends his Mate

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Speaking of the Mighty Lion, Tywin eventually made his way to Maegor's Holdfast only to be met with quite a gruesome sight.

Amory had dragged Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, the firstborn child of Rhaegar and had stabbed her half a hundred times at least. In a worse state was the baby, Aegon, who had faced the fury of the Mad Dog by having his head against the wall of the nursery. Then, there was Elia, who lay on the floor covered in blood and bruises; having been raped and then murdered horrifyingly by Clegane.

The sight was so horrifying and brutal, that even Tywin had trouble keeping a full stable face. However, upon seeing the bodies all he could do was to turn and glare at the two knights.

"What did you do mad dogs do? They were our bargaining chips or did you forget that?" he asked, clearly furious.

The kids were supposed to die quickly and there was no need for Ellia to die. Being kept alive would help ensure an alliance from Dorne but now all they did was to forever seal the anger of the Dornish against the Lannisters.

"The girl could not stop screaming and kicking me, my Lord. I had no choice" Amory said, trying to justify the countless stabbings on the girl, who was barely past the age of 3.

" Idiot" he cursed, his temper and patience being tested. "You could simply have offered a few sweet words to calm her, and a pillow to suffocate her" he continued, sometimes wondering why he kept those two brainless idiots in his ranks.

He then turned to Clegane or as many called him; The Mountain. The blood and brains of the infant were still on his hands and he seemed pleased by what he did to Elia, no remorse in his bloodthirsty eyes.

Tywin knew he could not justify that and he could not turn back time. Instead, he turned his attention to two Lannister men, who had followed him but had left the room, their stomachs uneasy by the sight.

"You two. Wrap the kids in a Lannister Cloak and keep them guarded until I tell you so. Any more harm to come to their bodies and you will pay with your life" he ordered, his eyes narrowing dangerously.


Robert eventually reached King's Landing and was pleased to see the Gates open, although taken aback by the sight of the dead townspeople and their bodies scattered across the many roads of the city.

At first, he thought it was Eddard, who had managed to do it but then his childhood friend approached him and explained it was all the plans of Tywin Lannister himself.

"I expected to find the gates closed to us," Eddard confessed to his friend and brother at arms as they walked towards the Iron Throne.

"Instead you found that our men had already taken the city. What of it?" Robert asked, clueless of what had taken place.

"Not our men. The lion of Lannister flew over the ramparts, not the crowned stag. And they had taken the city by treachery."

"Treachery was a coin the Targaryens knew well. Lannister paid them back in kind. It was no less than they deserved. I shall not trouble my sleep over it" Robert said, showing little to no remorse or guilt for the innocent, who perished during the Sacking.

"You were not there. There was no honor in that conquest" Eddard had argued but said nothing more.


Eventually, Robert sat on the Iron Throne and his coronation would not take long to happen. Before he could be crowned King officially, however, he had to deal with some loose ends. For starters, the Kingslayer that had broken his oath and killed his own King; stabbing him in the back when his daddy had entered King's Landing.

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