CXI. A Sparrow in King's Landing

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Guest Room, HighGarden – The Reach, Westeros


The day of the wedding was approaching, almost all preparations had been finished and everything had been dealt with. With the day being so close, the mood of Cersei worsened.

She had tried to play along and pretend, especially after the shouting and arguing she had with her father; which resulted in her leaving defeated and forced to obey once again. However, there was nothing for her there to help with her mood.

The place was all too boring, too strange. She had Trystan, Visenya and Tommen but everyone was busy socializing and she also knew that after the wedding, they would leave and she would be all alone with those stuck-up roses.

Loras had barely talked to her, too busy flirting with squires and spending time with Trystan; as if trying to get him into his pants as well. That was the only thought that amused her.

For the precious Golden Boy of their Father to end up being like Loras, uninterested in women. If that were to happen, she knew their Father would have a fit and Trystan would no longer be the perfect son in his eyes. It would be about time for him to also suffer like the rest of us, she thought and wished she could be present when all would happen.

With the wedding approaching, though, even such thoughts did not seem to help. Even the night she spent with Jaime before her departure seemed to have been unable to make her mood any better.

Of course, as if she had sensed it, her perfect in everything good-mother of hers had visited her.

Cersei was sitting by the window, overlooking the green maze at the back of the castle. Honestly, how can someone see so much green every day and not get bored of that damn colour? She was already getting sick of it and it had only been a few days.

She had her back turned on the Dragoness, clearly not in the mood to give her any attention or even the basic respect and face her. The older woman had been trying to talk with her but the Lioness was stubborn and this time she was not going to give up as easily as the other times.

Because at the end of the day, it is her fault that I am stuck in another marriage and have to ruin my body by birthing babies while she gets to live her lie however she pleases.

"You do know you will be able to visit us, right? You visited Casterly Rock more than once while married to Robert and it was further away than Highgarden" Visenya said, standing in the middle of the room.

She did not mind that Cersei was keeping her back turned, nor did she force her to look at her. She was trying to have some talk with her, perhaps somehow offer her some advice or help her.

The Dragoness was not happy that this had to happen, mostly keeping Cersei isolated from the rest of her family but there was no other choice. Tommen needed to be free of her influence and she was complicating some of the plans in King's Landing.

At the same time, they needed to strengthen their ties with the Tyrells, especially since Stannis had yet to make a move on them.

Cersei scoffed. "And how often do you think my caring Father will allow me to visit, huh?" she asked, glaring at some girls passing through the maze and they were picking up flowers. "Unless I am with baby, he will not even look at me"

Visenya let out a sigh. "Forget your Father; we will want you to visit. Think of Jaime and Trystan and even Tommen. He is your son and he will want to see his mother"

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