CXL. War Plans

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Inner Small Yard, Winterfell – The North, Westeros - Noon


In one of the smaller yards that the old castle of Winterfell had, an unusual combination of men and free folk had been gathered in a group. Sitting on barrels, wooden crates and steps; they all had formed some kind of circle.

Tormund was the main speaker, who was standing and seemed to have the attention of the audience. Part of his watchers were Westerosi men like Loras, Oberyn, Trystan, Jaime and even Tyrion; along with some sons of other minor Lords and of course some free folk.

The man with the red beard was, apparently, busy explaining how a man should truly sleep and please a woman.

" see, most men fuck like dogs..." he said and mimicked the movement of a man taking a woman from behind, even faking a few unnecessary sounds.

His actions seemed to amuse some of his audience, while others like Jaime rolled their eyes at the unnecessary presentation but remained to listen to the rest of his speech nonetheless.

"No grace" the Free Folk leader continued. "No skill. A few dozen thrusts and done" he looked at his audience, seeing some men avoiding his gaze since they were actually the very same men who slept with women that way. "Now, that's not how it should be. You need to be patient, give her time"

Tormund looked at Trystan, who seemed to be the one with the least facial expressions and also the one most interested in the talk. He stood out against the others, due to the innocence in his eyes and the naivety that did not truly match with his body or his mind.

The Free Folk leader had taken notice and even took a few steps closer to him, easily seeing that he was as much of a green boy as Jon was. He had seen it from before and perhaps this was why he had taken a liking to him.

Ironically, Trystan and Jon did not seem to talk that much; although they seemed the two of them would make a good friendship pair with their similar characters.

"Listen carefully" Tormund said to everyone but it was clear that he was focusing on Trystan as well. "Your cock shouldn't go near her till she is as slick as seal and go inside but not jam it in like you are spearing a pig" he commented and laughed, some of his free folk companions laughing as well.

Trystan's cheeks had the faintest pink hue once he realized that most men were looking at him, easily seeing that he was the only green boy between them. Oberyn offered a gentle smack on the boy's back while Tyrion and Jaime tried their best not to laugh at the embarrassment of their brother.

Truth be told, whenever Trystan was around Tormund or Oberyn; he would get picked at a lot due to his nature and more than once did his brothers just sat back and enjoy the show. One might call it cruel but they knew it was part of life.

Trystan never truly had friends or people to talk to him that way, other than his brothers and even they had a limit. Considering how much emphasis was always put on his studies as a kid, it was even sad if one were to consider how many things he had missed while growing up.

Of course, due to who his father was; almost no one would dare to make such jokes or throw innuendos at him without fearing for their lives. Thankfully for him, Tormund and Oberyn seemed not to care at all and easily targeted him more playfully.

"I..." the half-lion exclaimed and cleared his throat, not sure what to comment and that only earned him a rather loud slap on the back from Tormund.

"I told you he would blush," Tyrion said to Jaime, as the two of them had made a small friendly bet between them.

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