L. Even the Strictest People have a Softer Side

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Harrenhal - RiverLands - A few Hours after Baelish left


Dusk had finally arrived although, with the constant clouds above, no one could truly tell if it weren't for the candles burning and the temperature falling a few degrees.

Inside the council chamber, Visenya and Tywin were alone. The letter was lying on the table and it had put them into deep thoughts.

'Marching ten thousand west to Lannisport through the Tooth. Estimate to reach you by week's end. Scouts report Robb Stark moving troops south by coast. Alert Serrett he should turn east at Silverhill.' The letter said.

They would have a new addition to their army, which was good for after the last battles, they truly needed all the extra men.

However, Robb Stark moving south was puzzling them. They were moving further away from them and if they were to take the coast, they would eventually reach Lannisport although first they would have to pass through the Golden Tooth itself.

Unless they would try their way over Silverhill to avoid any true resistance from that narrow path. House Serrett was the lords of Silverhill but they did not have the manpower to stop the full forces of Robb.

Since most army was sent their way and the other was left at King's Landing, it did make them think about what their next plan should be.

Visenya kept her eyes on the map right beneath the letter, leaning over the table while Tywin was looking outside the window.

"If the troops do not get delayed to reach us and we move fast, we might be able to surprise them while Lord Serrett holds the front lines," she thought out loud, a small sigh leaving her lips.

Her hair had been let loose, falling to one side of her neck and face as her unique amber eyes were locked on the map.

"We underestimated that boy long enough. We are not being taken for fools" he said, hands behind his back and his gaze locked outside.

Visenya straightened her back and turned her body slowly to look at him. "You think if we go for the plan, we will fall into another bluff?" She questioned, although she knew the answer already. She marched his way slowly after not receiving an answer, her wine goblet held in one hand. "I know what you are thinking"

Tywin scoffed faintly. "Do you, now?" He asked annoyance clear as day.

However, she knew that it was not directed to her intentionally. She moved and stopped by his side in front of the window, looking also outside.

"Jaime is your son. If there is anyone who can survive this long, it's someone who carries your genes" she said, eventually looking up at him. Finally, he turned to look at her with a cold expression but she could see the worry and exhaustion inside his green eyes. "We will get him back and we will put an end to all of this" she continued with a more comforting voice and handed him her goblet.

He let out a heavy breath, his shoulders tense and yet when he moved his hand to take the goblet; he was gentle. His fingers cupped hers for a moment as he slowly took the goblet from her and took a few deep gulps.

"I am patient man but this is getting tiresome" he commented and she offered him a small sweet smile.

"Try being at my place. Been trying to be patient my whole life" she commented.

Tywin did not have to be told more to know what she was referring to. Dragon dreams were a curse because what one person saw, couldn't truly change.

They didn't know when the dream would happen, whether be months or years after. They couldn't do anything and simply had to wait until it unfolded, sometimes with ten forward and sometimes not.

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