CXIII. The Dragoness Enters the Game

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[A/N] - 5.249 words and dedicated to @SupremeWitchBitch for her motivational comment that kept me going and finishing this chapter. Biggest chapter yet and it is all thanks to you my friend <3


King's Landing, CrownLands


At last, after days of travelling; Visenya and the rest of the Royal Family, including her own, had returned to King's Landing. The wedding had been a success and their time there was well spent.

She had gotten to know Willas better, creating a nice friendship with the young Lord and promised to keep in touch. Trystan seemed to have come closer to Loras and Visenya hoped that to be the case.

Partnerships and friendships could come a long way in the future, especially when it started young. Both boys would rise to positions of power and both will be those to ensure the two families remain allies. By having a good relationship between them, bad blood could be avoided and peace could be promised in the near future.

Cersei was the only one bitter, having not even said her goodbyes on the day of their departure. It did not help Trystan and Visenya from feeling guilty but there was not much they could do. Even Tommen was affected by the sudden coldness of his mother but Margaery remained by his side at all times.

Visenya had received a few letters from Tywin, speaking of some minor unsettling within the King's Landing but things were being handled. He had not given her details, wishing her to focus on the wedding and ensure Cersei would not mess it up.

So, when the Dragoness returned to King's landing; she was surprised by the hostility they received.

The path remained unblocked but many common folks had appeared and stood in alleys or at the sides, some just staring from their balconies or behind their windows. Cold stares, filled with hatred were directed at them; none were happy to see them.

Whatever love they once had for Tommen and Margaery, seemed to have disappeared. They did not make any moves against them but their glares had started to make everyone feel uncomfortable.

Visenya led her horse further forward to the Captain of the Lannister Guards and some of the Kingsguard that had joined them for this trip. "I want all men to remain close to the carriage. Under no circumstances are weapons to be drawn unless I give a direct order" she said, her voice serious and commanding, suspecting that such looks might eventually draw a negative response from one of the soldiers.

"Yes, Lady Lannister" was the reply she got and watched as the soldiers moved as she instructed.

They pressed themselves and their horses closer to the royal carriage, just in case they needed to protect their King and Queen but none dared to make a move. Some did feel uneasy but they did not break the order by drawing their swords or acting out of line.

They were disciplined but also respected and slightly feared the mighty Dragoness upon her black horse. They knew better than to upset her or go against one of her orders, so they did not.

"Mother?" Trystan questioned as she let her horse fall back and be closer to the carriage. "What is going on?"

"Is everything alright out there, grandmother?" Tommen asked while his head was barely visible from the small barred window of the carriage.

"Please remain seated, Your Grace. Do not say anything and do not exit the carriage until we arrive at the Red Keep" she said, riding her horse with only one hand as the other rested on her sword strapped by her waist.

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