XLI. Pre-Battle Arguments

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[A/N] - Lannister Family Drama Time! I honestly can't wait for when the whole family will be united XD

Also, sweet Tyrion and Visenya mother-son moment to give you something to think about :D


Worry not, action is about to come and a very nice scene is joining it... Spoiler Alert: Visenya has a second way of being deadly, other than poison ;) (Can any of you guess it before the battle is published?)

A full day came and went after Tyrion's return, with no other incidents. The tribesmen remained out of the Lannister camp, the dwarf was given his own tent and was even allowed to keep Bronn around.

The evening had arrived, the wind blowing in their favour and the weather yet to turn cold; despite the incoming winter months. On top of a hill that overlooked the kingsroad from one side and the camp from the other, a long table draped with a golden cloth has been set up.

At the head of the table was Tywin with Visenya by his right as his wife and Lady, while Kevan was by his left. The rest of the chairs were occupied by chief knights and lords bannermen; all who had gathered took their evening meal and discussed the latest news on the battlefront.

All around men, Lannister soldiers were positioned with their spears and swords within reach; keeping an eye for anything suspicious.

None was wearing armour with Tywin having chosen a golden cloak that he draped across one shoulder, over his chest as he often did even when he wore armour. Visenya was dressed more appropriately for her status and the time, wearing a golden dress with the Lannister sigil sewed with black threat.

However, black breeches were positioned beneath the rather loose lower end; in case she had to run or ride. She would have much preferred to wear other clothes but she knew too well of her status and when she had to dress accordingly as Lady Lannister.

"Our scouts tell us the Stark host has moved south from the Twins, with Lord Frey's levies in tow. They're a day's march north" Kevan informed as everyone was slowly eating, listening to the report.

Tywin was thinking for a moment. "The boy may lack experience and sense, but he does have a certain mindless....provincial courage"

His lady wife drank some wine from her goblet." Now what remains is to see whether that courage will have him killed sooner or later" she commented, earning a nod from Tywin; who had similar thoughts.

Suddenly, Tyrion approached the table; as per usual late. He wobbled and managed to sit on a chair as a servant quickly rushed to fill his goblet with wine.

His father did not seem pleased, his mood changing upon seeing the imp joining them at the table. "I will have you burying the dead if you arrive as late to battle as you do to the table" he told him, making sure that his son knew he was not happy.

"I am sure a peasant or two could be found for me to kill," he said sourly, not keen on battling or killing for that matter.

The army's quartermaster, Lord Leo Lefford scoffed. "I do hope your savages are going to be braver than you; otherwise we've wasted good steel on them." He said since he was the one, who had to supply the 300 tribesmen and had not been happy when he received the order.

Kevan joined the discussion, equally displeased. "The great hairy one insisted he must have two battleaxes. Heavy black steel, double-sided."

Yet, Tyrion merely drank some wine; not surprised. "Shagga likes axes" he justified simply.

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