LXXXIV. Arrows, Promises & Fabrics

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[A/N] - I had a lot of time (been sick and held inside the house all day) and mood, so I managed to write more than usual. I would leave you with only two chapters (Especially since they had nothing of the Tywin-Visenya interaction). So, chapters 84 & 85 are more focused on interactions of Visenya with others and of course Trystan & Sansa. If you wish to skip them, you can head to chapter 86 where there is more drama, Visenya-Tywin moments and more.


Small-Training Grounds, Back of the Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands


To say that Visenya had a lot of things on her mind would be an understatement. So many plans, second plans and secrets had been bottled up inside of her that she knew, if her hair was not naturally white; it would have turned white by now from all the stress she kept hidden.

The most unpredictable coup would soon take place and she would be in the centre of it all. Ironically, she had worked similarly when she was younger against her brother but never to that degree.

While many times Tywin had suggested her to work and try to place Rhaegar on the throne, she had refused to take the risk; not yet at least. If she had not been in Casterly Rock and Rhaegar had not stolen the Stark girl, perhaps she would have rethought that plan since Aerys was becoming madder and madder by the day.

She kept most things bottled, none truly knowing the pressure she had from multiple fronts and no one truly knowing all the details; except for her. If her younger self could see her now, having different masks and personalities for each person she would have to work with; she would have laughed.

Sometimes she looked at herself in the mirror and wondered how far she had fallen, the words of Tyrion echoing in her mind. Have I really fallen that low? She questioned herself again and again.

Her actions were justified, her plans well thought but not everyone would see it that way. If anyone were to find out, then one would agree that she had fallen far lower than she used to when she was still the Princess of the 7 Kingdoms

All those things were giving her a strong migraine and she knew no herbal tea from Pycelle would help her. She had thought to ask Qyburn since Jaime praised his skills and she could see it on how his hand was saved despite the cut.

Yet, before she would go there; she had one last remedy and it was not Tywin. Since she was young, she learnt to pick up the sword because she wished to know how to fight and defend; to be useful to her family and not the invisible and unimportant child that she was.

As the years passed, she had picked up Archery and she had found both weapons to offer some sort of relief from bottled-up tension. The aching pain from her tired muscles after an hour of training, the pleasing result of a destroyed target...all those things worked rather well when her mind was too occupied or when her frustration was getting out of hand.

Many would not approve of her actions but she was past the age to truly care what the others would say. She had seen two different wars, killed dozens of men and participated in multiple battles.

No one could tell her a lady was not supposed to fight and leave with his head intact. She had proven to many that she was not a weak court lady incapable of climbing alone on the saddle of her horse but a fearsome warrior after whom she was named.

She had moved to some smaller and more private training grounds existing at the back of the Red Keep. They were less popular with the other training grounds that were far bigger and more widely known to guests and soldiers alike.

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