CXVI. Fast Spreading Rumours

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A few days after the incident with the wildfire the whole Westeros was talking about it non-stop.

The High Sparrow and most of his followers, including Lancel, had all perished in the explosion. Kevan was saddened to hear of the death of his son but after Visenya explained to him in detail what happened, he understood that his firstborn had gone too far and could not be retrieved.

However, that left poor Kevan heirless since his other two sons had perished in the hands of Robert. His wife was too old now to produce any kids but he still loved her nonetheless. It was a worrying thing since withTygett missing and Gerion dead; the whole Lannister family was dependent on Jaime and Trystan.

Most specifically, Trystan since Jaime had taken the oath of the Kingsguard.

It was not an easy thing and Visenya refused to tell the boy yet, not wishing to burden him more than he was already burdened to be his father's heir.

At the same time, the Dragoness had her own troubles; sort of.

The common folk talked non-stop about the incident, many being witnesses to everything. Some feared Visenya, calling her a witch but none dared to openly accuse her in fear that she would come after them with green fire.

The majority, though, thought of her as some sort of a miracle. Many said that the High Sparrow was a fake and when he tried to fake a trial and accuse someone innocent, he angered the Seven. It was them that protected her from the flames while he perished in the same fire that attacked them both.

There were a few, who actually started to call her blessed and believed she had been touched by the Seven, finding no coincidence that the Sept she was about to be trialled was on top of Visenya's Hill in the first place.

This led to some odd rumours spreading but no one truly tried to stop them. Instead, they let them happen and spread.

It helped our heroes, for now, as the common folks were more hesitant to go against them; specifically Visenya. The incident also helped spread some fear but also awe across Westeros, now that she was the first woman to live and walk through live fire like it was nothing.


The incident and the word spread far and wide all across the Westerosi Continent. It reached from the South where Dorne was located, all the way to the Mountains of the Vale.

There, Lady Sansa was still residing under the disguise of Alayne Stones, a bastard niece of Petyr Baelish.

Lysa Arryn had been killed by Petyr Baelish, on the basis that he was self-defending himself from her and protecting his niece, Alayne. Now, as temporary ruler of the Vale; he kept the undercover Stark girl close.

Lysa's son, Robin, has been taken under her wing and Petyr even thought of marrying them if the boy was to survive his sickness. However, he made no plans yet since Tywin Lannister was still alive and ruling. If he dared make such a move, the old Lion would be right outside his door; demanding an explanation and of course, handing back Sansa.

When the news reached them of the fire and the miraculous survival of Visenya, different reactions were drawn from them.

Petyr was the most shocked, not expecting such type of miracles or stunts to take place; like a woman walking through the fire untouched. A part of him actually did not believe it truly happened but it was rather a set-up rumour to reduce the amount of rebellions from other Kingdoms.

Sansa was relieved upon hearing that she was safe, although the way she survived was odd to her. She could not exactly imagine how but at the moment, she was glad that Lady Visenya had not died. For the young Dire Wolf eventually wished for the two of them to meet, under better circumstances and as powerful ladies of their respected Houses.

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