LXIII. Family Arguments & Rising Suspicions

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The Hand's Study, Red Keep – King's Landing, CrownLands


After Cersei's visit, Tyrion went for a walk with Bronn and Podrick to clear his head. After he had taken his time to recover from his headache, he gathered his courage to finally visit his father.

It was ironic to him, how just a few days ago that huge study room was all his and now it had been taken from him; just like that. The golden Lannister banners were still hung on the walls but more papers and work could be seen piling up on the smallest tables close to the main desk.

His father, in all his might, was busy writing scrolls with instructions and orders. He barely glanced at his son when he entered and did not look at him even when he sat on the chair at the other side of the desk.

The silence was in the room, parts of it covered in darkness while the only source of light came from the sun coming from the few windows overlooking outside. The only sound that could be heard at that moment was the quill as it was effortlessly pulled across the scroll.

Elegant letters formed words on it, and his father was as always proudly sitting with his back straight and choosing to not acknowledge his son yet. It was something he often did, to make them wait in silence and become uneasy.

It was his way to remind them that he had the power and the conversation would start when he chose to. It made Tyrion wonder if he used the same technique with his good-mother, letting her wait in silence while he was busy with something else.

He suspected that the answer to that question was yes but he had his doubts. When those two first started to work together, Visenya was the Princess of the 7 Kingdoms and one of the heirs to the Iron Throne. Tywin would be a fool to disrespect her that way, considering her assistance when it came to ruling the Kingdom from behind Aerys.

Eventually, he found himself unable to sit in the silence any longer and tried to do something. His eyes fell upon the pin of the golden pin, the sign of the power of the Hand. Who would have thought that the mighty Lion of Casterly Rock would wear it again after 17 years of taking a break from it?

"The badge looks good on you" he pointed out, hoping this would force his father to finally look at him and they could have this dreaded talk at last. His father kept writing, dipping his quill in the ink and not reacting. "Almost as good as it looked on me. Are you enjoying your new position?"

Finally, Tywin let the quill down and looked at his "son. "Am I enjoying it?"

"I was very happy as Hand of the King.

A small chuckle came from the mighty Lion but his amusement was not one to be taken lightly. "Yes. I heard how happy you were." He started, blowing on his paper to dry the ink. He then placed the paper on the desk and folded it in the right places to seal it. "You brought a whore into my bed." He said and Tyrion had to bite his tongue.

He was not sure how he had found out about Shae, although his mind quickly went to his sister. Considering her morning visit, she most likely had ratted him out because their good-mother never would.

"It wasn't your bed at the time," Tyrion commented, chasing his luck.

Tywin looked at him for a moment, clearly not pleased with his attitude and comments. He grabbed the small container that was above the light candle, the red wax inside it smooth and in liquid form. "I sent you here to advise the king. I gave you real power and authority." He carefully let some of the red wax fall to the folded edges in the middle of the letter. "You chose to spend your days as you always have, bedding harlots and drinking with thieves." He pressed the signature ring of the Hand on the wax, sealing it.

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