LXXV. An Unforgettable Wedding Reception

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After the Wedding finished, everyone gathered for the festivities and mostly the feast that was planned. Music played, and couples danced or discussed with one another as they were placed at their respectable tables.

The main three tables were in a Π formation. The main one was the one belonging to the bride and groom. The table by their right was for the Lannister family with Cersei the closest to them, followed by Joffrey, Trystan, Tywin, and eventually Visenya. Across from them, the Tyrells were placed due to Margaery soon marrying Joffrey and also to show how much the Lannisters 'appreciated' the alliance they had.

Tyrion kept filling his glass to the brim and then being quick to empty it, getting more and more drunk with each passing minute. Sansa was by his side, barely touching her drink or her food while looking around uncomfortably.

She knew no one there truly and seeing Tyrion getting wasted was not helping. From moment to moment, she would manage to catch the gaze of Trystan at the other table but none would be able to look at each other for long without raising suspicions.

The only one, who seemed to enjoy it all was Olenna, who was busy trying to explain to her grandchildren the complicated family they were soon to be. "So their son will be your... nephew, after you're wed to Cersei, of course. And you will be the king's stepfather and brother-in-law" she told Loras, who was so close to banging his head on the table. Olenna then turned to Margaery "When you marry the king, Joffrey's mother will become his sister-in-law and your son will be Loras' nephew? Grandson? I'm not sure. But your brother will become your father-in-law. That much is beyond dispute." Eventually, Loras had enough and stood up; deciding to try and escape this madness.

Margaery watched him go but said nothing, her attention far too often on Sansa and Trystan, seeing their quick stolen glances at one another or how the young Lion was disapproving of his brother's behaviour as he embarrassed himself and his wife as well.

Tyrion grabbed an empty golden plate from the table and used it to check his teeth for any remnants of food. When he was done, he tossed it to the side and grabbed his goblet, only to spill some of the wine on him before he could even make it reach his lips.

To make matters worse, he started to clean himself with the tablecloth, further embarrassing himself to a new degree.

Sansa, who could simply not bear to see this and sit next to him; snapped from her shock. "Will you pardon me, my lord?"

"Of course. Of course. En-enjoy." He told her, trying not to slur his words.

She got up rather quickly but also gracefully enough and wasted no time to leave the room, needing just to get away from everyone and everything but especially Tyrion. Unfortunately for her, she was noticed by Joffrey who smirked as a sadistic idea came into his mind.

He had stood up almost fully when his mother steadied him with a touch to the hand. "Perhaps you could talk to your bride-to-be instead." She advised him, glancing at the table across from where Margaery was.

Joffrey looked her way but was far more interested in his plaything. "I've got a lifetime for that." He shook off her hand and left, leaving behind a shocked and mentally tired Cersei.

She let out a heavy sigh and got up to follow. When she saw her handmaiden that had started to trail after her, she stopped her with one single command. "Stay."

At the same time, almost, Tywin pushed his chair back. Visenya could only watch him as he made his way towards Tyrion, his face an impossible-to-read mask but his eyes were dark with hatred, disgust and annoyance.

She barely managed to part her lips, hoping to stop him but she knew it would be futile. She understood that Tyrion wished to get drunk to forget, similarly to the Tavern but now he was crossing the line. Unfortunately for him, Tywin was not like her and was not one to easily forgive.

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